Monday, July 14, 2008

FW: blog


In light of the miracles of habitat and God moments..God works in amazing ways daily.

last nite after a big day on sites, and successful day on the trolley, pushing public tranpsort tied to affordable home ownership in communities..i went to manhattan where my kids were born, and we love it there, no of the reasons  is my years working with the homeless there, helping when streets were lined with people...a different time now, not as many ..tomkins square parks is a nice redone park..not homeless nor protestors like there were..and life is different..I was talking to our waitress at Bryant Park with my kids and she tells me she is a new yorker, but has travelled..Christine...after four interactions during different trips to our table..i ask where does she live...i live on 6th street between C and D in alphabet city, she states..

i have helped with Catholic workers, and i live with my sister, who lives in a Habitat building there..unbelievable...that was the first buildling i raised money for ..looked down from the top floor through holes in the floors to the bottom of a condo building that was run down and now families live in a beautiful condo building there...Praise God, for whom all Blessings flow..!!!! what a gift, with my sons there, who i had pushed in a baby carriage at one of the events i coordinated there, and now he goes to college and as i said to them and to you...that is a God moment of Habitat...


This morning Sunday as i watered the grass on Lincoln Avenue...a highly visbile street in New Rochelle, and people in the neighborhood i know, said hi. and people going to churches, and the beach, i prayed as I walked over the newly seeded area, (because we had to add two more dry wells, yikes..never a dull moment.)..i hoped the families that lived in this once run down project, now very beautiful..would have amazing lifes, Christians, presidents people of different faiths or no faith, but to be blessed..abundantly and witnesses of Gods love that Habitat has helped so many and now the families can help so many others! Another mother and daughter come to me, she works hard her daughter goes to NEW
RO as we call it, high school. they need a condo, to live in,  i tell them about my Main Street project, i want to buy and fix, that one of our teen volunteers this week told was the worst day of my life..what was, the day the building you want to buy burned down, i used to live in that pray for our teen volunteer and his mom..our Lincoln neighbor and her daughter, the families that will move in, Christine, and the thousands who want to have their generation changed by being long term  stakeholders, with real affordablility...and lives that will bless this world forever, forever in gratitude and prayer for those who read this..THE EXCITEMENT IS STILL BUILDING..AND YES PLEASE DONATE SO WE CAN BUY THAT BUILDING ON MAIN STREET FOR THE FAMILIES I JUST SPOKE OF..GOD BLESS YOU!

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