Monday, February 09, 2009

FW: blog

they carried his body in a wooden box..

mIllard fuller carried Clarence Jordons body in his car..when he died..the Sumter County examiner did not want to help declare him dead..or use a county vehicle..the prejudice continued...they wanted Koinonia and Jordan and Fuller to leave..Jordan had started a cotton patch gospel Christian community in s west Ga. in the 194os where black and white people lived community, ...they were racially attacked at the community by the outsiders, called communisits, declared horrible, and thrown at with prejudiced people with bombs and guns and other things...

they hurt him, attacked him, and slandered him and the community


they carris his body in a wooden box..Millard would have loved t his like they carried Clarence body in millards car and drove him to the resting the coroner refused to help him.


Oh Happy Days..Oh Happy Days...when He walked ..when He walked, when He walked, and took our sins away....

Oh Happy Days for Millard and Clarence heaven, with Millards mother, and all the Habitat volunteers who have gone on...there is a house building mansion in heaven today...there are thousands of them being built here on earth today, sat with volunteers..wont you join Clarence and Millard and I on site today....God bless you jjk


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