Thursday, February 19, 2009


Global minisries announces one of the most Illustrious ministers death millard Fuller…what a tribute..daily five to ten bulletin announcements come across the board..founder passes..about millards life.. but his life lives on in Faith and Action…yesterday I was honored to meet with Mayor Pilla of Portchester.. a humble person of faith and action..glad to be in the position he is in, a minister in his own right..anytime one is in service, one should ask for Gods help.

Today we ask for Gods help as we prepare for the weekend of builds..of finding more land, of asking for more support for our families…

Maryluz one of our family members just called, Yachary my daughter is driving..Junior is volunteering with you this week at the Restore, everyone is good, how is Sharon and her son, are they back in New Orleans yet.. how is that other family…we are helping them both, we sent Rodney and his family with support to S. Carolina where he had a job and cheaper living and this weekend in Mardi Gras, come see Sharon, we are going back to rehab her house and raising support..


You see Maryluz and her family and I went to Gretna La. To look at their apartment, their belongings ruined, their pictures, all of their stuff if you will..and we searched thru New Orleans for   a place to eat, and we ate under a church tent…from there, we went to see her uncle and see about getting Fema see they ended up in Yonkers and the mayors office contacted us, what can you do…then a year later, Bill Regan Deputy commissioner dedicated their Katrina home on Willow in Yonkers…where now seven habitat homeowners live…their house is concrete ..beautiful, it wont blow over…their kids are ready to go to college soon, they have their belongings and good neighbors…..all because of the Mardi Gras New Yorleans express..

This weekend marks the time we raise support for Sharon, our tenth family we got housed from New Orleans…come and support us at our Mardi Gras events..pray for us…thanks Millard for being an illustrious minister so we can be ministers in our own circles..time to get it all going..

Please make a donation…


Ps Yesterday there was as symposium on anti violence in the neighborhoods..remember Anthony another one of our family members, who was shot, who is doing good..we are ready to move in their family shortly…our hurricane here is sometimes that of violence..but we will not be beaten at that either.. God bless you , may you be protected by all the Angels..j

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