Monday, March 09, 2009

FW: blog

What a busy weekend no question.. people working hard, helping one another working on sites, in our Restores..yesterday Iona Colelge and St Josephs college of Maine were St. John and Paul, many were there to listen to our work on flooded homes, helping people.. in Mamoroneck...our history goes back 20 years with our first home on Mamoroneck avenue...there, where we were able to assist the Cunningham family and Ahfelds...what a great world we live see our success come back in a town where we forward..other projects there included Mr. Ponds, a home that burned down, a community hero, who had three hundred people assist his house being rehabbed..and then the floods of 2007 in March and then in April....where we lived for two years, helping rehab families homes and some small businesses, aiding us getting back into homes...after water that wiped out nearly everything for so many...some families got hit twice..some still live in fear there..

so heres to our families to our work to the blessings of youth and elderly and working people and you..

more to follow j


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