Tuesday, March 10, 2009

FW: blog

what day is it..what time is it..day light savings..community savings time..what world do we live in..Obama is at odds with Warren Buffett, politicans and economists who watched it all happen..now point fingers..Cramer on Today show says hes sorry for bear stearns..Jon Stewart..the comedian points out how he is wrong..and like a homeless Hamster left outside of our door last sat at our Restore in the cold, the world seems to be going in circles..before people went in circles with green money in their hand..now they run in circles with no money wondering what happened...lets STOP. lets PRAY lets ACT..lets Build COMMUNITY AGAIN!

we can do this!  it is the best time for us to get off of running in circles, to get going again in the right direction...we must..no question!  lets look at GodEconomics!  lets realize helping one another is the stimulus we need...

yesterday in talking to st josephs college maine students, in service for a week here, I realize that they have HOPE for the future because they are in service..they are studying business, and sociology, and history and political science..and nursing, but also the business club goes out every Friday and volunteers in the community at a shelter...yes the business club..perhaps some of those CEOS who left with bonuses, and bankrupted companies, should have been out once a week at the shelter helping..many do come in team building on our sites with their companies..ibm, goldman, Barclays Bank, BNY Mellon, Morris Cohns, and more..all helping all building...all giving back..maybe your profits will go up if you are a prophet in the community with mitzvahs, charity and giving back..if you dont, you cant take it with you..you might have taken away money, but what reputation and will do you have now, it wont go up, the cadillac, the big bank account, the degree, alldoesnt go anywhere or bring you long last ing riches..

its time to get back to BASICS!


On a different note, I am very excited that our second Restore has Norman Rockwell Prints, who painted the common man and woman and veteran and soda pop person, and police and basketball team and segregated school girl and the four freedoms, which are available to the public. Tom Daly will come and speak in our greast speaker series, and also Charles Fazzino, famous artists  www.fazzino.com will do an exhibit at our 591 REstore...combined with amonthly music event there, of jazz and more ourRestore becomes more than just great antique furntiure and Leahman Brothers chackis..but rather a community center of generating income..for homes and fun with art and music and more..J


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