Tuesday, June 30, 2009

FW: blog

I went to the most depressing meeting of political movement i have seen in my life...last nite, i must admit..

the lack of govenrment to move quickly as is eneveloped in Mayor bloombergs words over the Albany crisis, was evident on a micro level last nite...its not about the party its about you being elected by the people to do your work....

what world have we created during this the week of democrary being remembered, ...what lack of activity and action...homerule overtakes saving homes...stepping in line for the party overtakes stepping up for the people...challenging the status quo was overtaken by not challenging anyone...

however there is hope...we will be looking at where we go from here, how we move ahead, how we help people, how we assist those in the future to live decently and with protection..for their lives and their homes in Mamoroneck...

we have seen the lack of activity, now we will move ahead strongly with our own...for the flood families....


Mamoroneck...we will be helping to hand out a sheet on flood issues to help give the input on what needs to be done to protect their homes, what protection needs to happen, what responses need to occur..how you can live with better protection..


On a different note today in Yonkers, we move ahead to be able to celebrate our Restores at Yonkers Green Business Week!  This important week celebrates our work, our times, our movement for the future...we have been hiring a number of people like Adrienne, like Kelvin, and Dan, like ten teenagers who will help us move ahead to be able to help us salvage, Restore, and generate income for the future of our work...and building homes....hats off to Yonkers Green Business Week..


New Orleans..Sharon Carew called, Jim i have three months temporary stay, 3 months to be able to get my house done..can you help she asks..i said we will ask God to help us and ask the public to help us go in early august to help fix it, pray for sharon and her family as well as us getting her home done...most appreciated..


in all we do and Say Let us Give Thanks to the one God that guides us and Helps us daily.

God bless, jjk


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