Wednesday, June 03, 2009

FW: [PHISH]blog

Returning from Washington we had a great day on Habitat on the Hill working hard, with habitats from across the country Washington..returning on a 3am train yesterday to welcome 52 Credit Suisse employees our work was well cut out for us..


As i came back on the train, it reminded me of my father, who at one time was a conductor of a train in New also reminded me of FDR on train stops. of Kennedys funeral across the country, of campaigns, of need for people with homes in poverty areas across this country...


As i looked out the window on the way to DC, i saw horrible inner city brick buildings, poverty to this day..

what war on poverty had occurred..who won..certainly not these people..


The Deputy commissioner of HUD spoke in the conference and reminded us that every person should be able to go to bed at nite in a a place of decent sleeping of waking up with hope, or educational opportunities...and then he commended habitat, because we are the ones doing it....


Our summer will be packed with building..this week alone we have Goldman Sachs, we have IBM and Credit Suiisse..along with that we have many youth coming all summer long, working with us..


The A Team...teenagers who come in from Suny Binghamton, Scarsdale high school, New Rochelle High School, Holy Cross College, and more...working all over our county sites.. we are working hard to make it help one another, to help work together to change our world..


A SUMMER OF CHANGE! This summer then will be a Summer of Change, one where we work hard together, where we take advantage of the open door, that people now believe affordable homes are not a bad thing...that helping people to live decently in communities is a positive thing and we can get it right...


May God bless you and I this summer in all we do....with gratitude..JJK

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