Friday, August 07, 2009

FW: blog

Nazira emails me today from Tajikistan..hi Jim thank you for the tithe..or Connie from Arengtina often will send a picture to us of a family from Argentina... we tithe to third world countries, a requirement of undesignated Habitat International.. this is a blessing for all of us no question... we have been in the top ten in the past couple of years in  helping to build well as helping to build Brush with kindness projects as well..


Today we are blessed the Virginia kids from Kempsville church enjoys their final day and their day off to enjoyWestchester and NYC,...their work for a week on a flood home in Yonkers, was invaluable to Jacqueline and her family...where water rushed in and pushed her doors open...and flooded her home in three feet of water.....thank you Rev. Dan and troops..


Along with that volunteers all over the world are building wiht us..i want to thank my friends in city hall in Mt Vernon, our work is getting back in gear there, with rehabs of two seniors homes....also this morning we revisit with our Ossining LPC,, Mayor Hanauer, Supervisor Borgia, Supervisor Gerard, and our friends from Ossining Ralph and Muffy Degnan, John Gallagher, and the Clements, representing the high school and our first LPC there..also thanks to Tom Johnson who will lead our work in Montrose and Buchanan....a world to change a county to change the summer of all comes together...with your help.


May God bless you with a great day, Jim Killoran


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