Tuesday, August 25, 2009

FW: blog

Helping today all over the county, we have work in Municipal housing authroity..we also are working on a site in Mt VErnon ...glad to get a tour with Lou Albano...Lou works in planning a great guy..Curtis and his mom Barbara have a home to be rehabbed in a big way, in Mt Vernon...lots to be done..


God blesses us all in all we do..we are so grateful!


Start a local project committee today in your community, a world to change, a county to change..



Yesterday Tom gave me a call from Virginia during lunch rom his rowboat..of the Habitat Crew,...he inspires me, and he called to say hi and thank you ...I THANK HIM...one of the first things inspiring me were youth in action with habitat. Tom is rowing across the country for habitat..thank you Tom....God bless you..keep going brother!!!!!! he rows and builds..CBS Nitely news covered him rowing and building on our Mamoroenck site...amazing! again God bless you, praying for you today brother, jim


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