Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fw: blog

A blessed day..the rain has stopped …anticipation of a great day going on so we can get back to basics after the rains threatened homes to be flooded….i met with Cardinal Stritch U. last nite..the kids are great..they all ate and kicked back at a dinner we sponsored, all willing to be able to share how their week was going..chipping in at warehouse, working in Peekskill and Mamoroneck and working hard.

What a blessed Holy Week it is.. W. Virginia kids working too.

Last nite we began our silent campaign to raise gifts for our headquarters, ready to revamp and make it green, ready to move ahead,and make it great!

A Green library center, for homeowners, retrofitting, our family resource center and more…can you help get your name on the plague, on the building, or sponsor a room?  Stay tuned..


With all we do and say we give Thanks to God for each of you who reads this blog..time to get your company involved, your congregation this Holy Week, your family…you are richly blessed…we are too..

Please make a seed donation today, to help another family have a home in honor of your family…you will change lives forever..



PS stay tuned for our future announcements, during thie DECADE OF SERVICE!


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Ask about our "Build a house golf challenge coming up October 5".


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fw: blog

Palm amazing day..many going to church, dressed up..many going to Synagogue this year for Passover..

One of the things I love is that we have the theology of the hammer..I went to the site earlier, Iona a Christian College, was working and then Marty and his son, for Passover were volunteering….Paul from Larchmont temple asks, can I bring the temple and the brotherhood out in two weeks..what a blessing,…while those that say the love God go in different congregations..our Shabat and Kumbaya comes in the cry of Good job with hammering the wall…congrads Linda and Liz on your home…or can you pass me the two by four, or the T Square…do you think those words are in the Torah, the Bible, or the Koran..they certainly are implied with the words of love one another….then I return to pray in french and creole, at Leglise de Baptise…merci Mon Eternallee merci Bon Dier, merci pour tout…the pastor invited today is like the Billy Graham of Haiti, visiting for Palm Sunday speaking on the transfiguration…Mon Dieu Tu connais chaque Chose, tu connait mon vie tu connait que est necessaire pour toute y pour Haiti!  On Mon Dieu, oh God, my life is good..because of all ofyou,no matter what faith or no faith, who help us write a new theology every day in the form of the the creation of homes, with love, sweat dirt, and the theology of the hammer…..Kembe Fem…..mucho Bendiciones para Pasqua..Happy Pesah..amen.


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Ask about our "Build a house golf challenge coming up October 5".


Friday, March 26, 2010

FW: blog

An email comes from Haiti!  Jim I am speaking in Harlem and in Atlanta..can I speak with your interested troops..of course. Claude Jeudy will be speaking here in April stay tuned! Welcome Claude, Bienvenue!

God works in strange ways..tomorrow I attempt to get my stolen passport processed quickly, that occurred here in New Rochelle, say a prayer..

I have been somewhat bothered as it has slowed my return trip back to Haiti..but Claude will be coming, and if all goes well in April I will also return to Haiti if processed question..


With that in mind, Kembe Fem Haiti!

Also Kembe Fem Westchester! Stay strong in Creole it means.. stay strong.. we have been helping a number of people, assisting with reaching out, talking being with different communities.. I am honored we are now back in Mt Vernon with our New Green Wholesale Restore, our work on the foreclosure committee and our work on helping with Green retrofitting.  Mt Vernon is a great community, but is challenged with 3000 foreclosures right now…stay tuned, for what we can see happen. Pray  for our work in this great community… a true blessing for us to be there.


Today thank you to our MARCH MADNESS COLLEGE STUDENTS..this week from Lawrence University and from North Cetnral…does it get any better…and WEST VIRGINIA STUDENTS COME INTO BUILD THIS WEEKEND WITH CARDINAL STRITCH STUDENTS..VERY EXCITING!


May God bless each of you in all that you do!


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Ask about our "Build a house golf challenge coming up October 5".


Thursday, March 25, 2010

FW: blog

A great groundbreaking yesterday..thanks to Mercury Solar and their great donation…also to NYPA for their support..the great city of Yonkers..

All is great..we are so blessed in all we do..the Johnson family is ecstatic, and our neighbors were happy to receive CFL’s by us as a gift from us for supplying them home green…

Also we are so blessed to be able to have the college students from Lawrence and from North Central..stay tuned for great days ahead..

A great spring building with Habitat for Humanity of Westchester


Reminder..please pray for Haiti, thank you to Larry Gomez for his great efforts raising 10,000 plus the other day at the Lazy Boy Saloon.


Social Media Update:   We are now on twitter…habitatwc  as well as facebook for our Restores and affiliate! Yahoo!


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Ask about our "Build a house golf challenge coming up October 5".


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

FW: blog

Today is a great day for all us! This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad! I am glad for the many who support us….who volunteer with Horace Mann School, who comes out to volunteer for three days! Along with the two colleges of North Central and Lawrence University, they are all helping to finish our work..


Likewise we have a great benefit tonite for Haiti…a benefit for Haiti in Mamoroneck, for Habitat, thank you to Larry Carvallo and to Larry Gomez..whjo are spreading the word to help Haiti…we are also pushing for helping the word Shelter to be added into the wording of International Aid by Congress. Please call Nita Loweys office to ask her to include shelter into the language of a bill and for Habitat, for homes in Haiti!


I am also blessed to speak at Fordham and thank you for Carol Gibney for sponsoring a luncheon event for Haiti today.



BUILDING GREEN is a big part of our mission…always has been…..Long before it was in vogue for us to be there is Greenwashing, we have been helping families to save money by making the homes, more energy efficient, healthier and with less chemicals.  Tomorrow we celebrate another milestone in this as we do the near Zero Energy House in Yonkers groundbreaking….an exciting event for us to be able to help build a green home for the Johnson family, as well as to be able to help teach about going green to our neighbors..stay tuned, at 1030 the event happens, with groups from all over, local polticians, planning depts. Of Yonkers..and Mercury Solar, NYPA,and NYSERDA.


We continue on with our Green efforts by recycling building supplies and saving money…God bless you all….

Please make a donation today for all of our efforts. Join us!


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Ask about our "Build a house golf challenge coming up October 5".


Monday, March 22, 2010

FW: blog

How Low can you go, a new song comes out on the charts…I felt that way when a tennis star..spent ten thousand dollars on lunch many kids could I send to school with lunch money for that, or a scholarship, or a good portion of a home…our society is sparkled with ironies to me, that need to be changed..we can change them


Some of that changec comes from the future, our college students here, building.  This week we have Lawrence University and also we have North Central, working, all from Illinois and from Wisconsin, traveling 14 and 15 hours to be with us…the machinations of those in elite circles don’t really stop to think like this, or help..but our future in our youth is bright..these kids build today in Peekskill and in Yonkers!


Excitng Week, this Tuesday a benefit for Haiti..building homes building hope, at Lazy Boy Saloon, a taste of micro brews, food, and fun, already 11,000 is raised up front, no question..what do we do, we work hard, we help here we help Haiti..President Clinton and President Bush visit there this week.. I go there once I retrieve my passport that was taken…and then off with many volunteers..this Sat is passport day.


What will you have for lunch today..

We are sponsoring our No Lunch for Haiti program…Kristina Kovelenko, join us..if you skipped that ten thousand dollar would have built almost three homes for Haitian families in Haiti…what do you me  914 403 4821.. may God bless each of you..

Help us rebuild here, rebuild there, everywhere..

Ps thanks to Ursuline School this week for assisting us..


Ps don’t forget about our Mt Vernon, 3000 foreclosures, we are honored to put our new Restore there, on Courtlandt St.  ..


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Ask about our "Build a house golf challenge coming up October 5".


Friday, March 19, 2010

FW: blog

Amazing day for us helping our work together..

To help us help others..we are working on sites with our college kids high school kids, adults to help others..

We are getting excited about our Groundbreaking soon..this coming Wednesday.. our Zero Energy House, helping to change a whole neighborhood, helping to work hard to help people go green.

Excitingly thank you to Mercury Solar Energy, to NYPA, to Scelia Plumbing…and more..very exciting!

Its time to help us change Westchester to help it for better..


Along with that we will be helping to finish our Mamoroneck homes in the flood area, we will do a cleanup for our neighborhoods..and the rivers.


I also want to thank those who help us to help others with our Restores.. we have furniture to pickup..and we also helped fire victims this week..

To assist them..from the fire..much of our furniture often helps those out of fires, when there is a need.



James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Ask about our "Build a house golf challenge coming up October 5".


Tuesday, March 16, 2010




Habitat for Humanity of Westchester, RESTORE PAGES.

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester A TEAM


  ALSO jimkilloran  on twitter..

Spread the news, help us today..our social media increases, so more homes can be built. May God bless you with health and a great home today!



James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Ask about our "Build a house golf challenge coming up October 5".


Monday, March 15, 2010

FW: blog

a group comes in from Minnesota..left at 3pm yesterday to get here..just to volunteer here.  then comes Curry and then Iowa..MARCH MADNESS HABITAT STYLE..

it is Kansas, it is the winners are the Gophers, the Curry College, the Monks of Maine, the students from Iowa..all in service...does it get any better!!!!!! No





We have students from all over the country ready to help..from building to helpingin emergency, these students are helpful to reach out to others, whose homes were you need help from the storm, call me at 403 4821.

These students in mission are great to assist us..

No question..

Join us in real March Madness…we will be busy…make a donation in honor of the students if you can.

God bless you.


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Ask about our "Build a house golf challenge coming up October 5".


Friday, March 12, 2010

FW: blog

Thanks to the many who have helped us..over the period of the golf committee..Joe French, Anthony Ruggieri, Ken Arndt, and more..

We appreciate all they do, this year it will be the best one yet..

On top of that yesterday, kudos to the Rye Lions Club..the excitement is building..we need to keep focused on the important things and the Lions have worked with us for years in this area..helping us.

Likewise..the college students continue, we moved into our new warehouse, wholesale restore yesterday, very exciting, stay tuned…for Mt Vernon, WE LOVE MT VERNON..stay tuned..

Yesterday, Barclays Bank, Amalgamated Life, State Farm, Excel Capital and more all contacted us just to get involved.

As go into our Holy Season, we also thank our congregationas, Scarsdale Synagogue, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Bible Way, St John and Paul, and all who pray and act with us, in changing the face of housing in this county..stay tuned….


For all we can say and do, let us give thanks to all who help us.! Kembe Fem..stay strong Haiti!


Remember about our work in Haiti as well..

March 24th  near Zero Energy Ground Breaking is happening..stay tuned..


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Ask about our "Build a house golf challenge coming up October 5".


Thursday, March 11, 2010

FW: blog

God is good all the time! All the time God is good!  no question..just came back from my early morning walk downtown..a great day for us see New Rochelle, to be part of So No, to help rebuild and give input. Last nite at a meeting downtown, we were there talking about how the important working person has been displaced,not hilited..the thought that only those who have high income important and that the small business has been what do we is a great time to rebuild, to help, to create affordable homes, to create a fun Holy healthy downtown, stay tuned.


Today i go to White PLains to our Rye to speak at a Lions club, to Horace Mann to speak at a high school, to a golf committee at nite...never a dull moment! 




Since 1997 we have been building with SIP panels, Energy Star appliances, and using solar panels.

1998 a Bob Vila built home in Yonkers was designed Green in Residential Architect Magazine,with green qualities.

Utlize 0 Voc paints and recyclable flooring

Creating a Near Zero Energy House in Yonkers

Created community gardens in the neighborhoods we build in.

Help teach our Neighborhoods, with going green..implementing wholistic visions with neighbors on planning and implementation of greener neighborhoods with Environmental Justice areas..


Join us! Email for more info on how you can access our info! Or get a speaker out with us.



cutive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Ask about our "Build a house golf challenge coming up October 5".


Tuesday, March 09, 2010

FW: blog

A great day to say the least..a great day to be able to work on the sites..a great day to have our CORPORATE CHALLENGE KICKOFF..Carlyle, Hiscox Insurance, Mercury Solar and questions..there is so much to be able to be done, we announce the Decade of Service…thanks to Avalon and to Amerirprise for their support, no question…we announce working for a decade of Service, a Decade to change the county and the world right..

We are so blessed, …needless to say…join us in all we do..

Companies come and build with us, just like the colleges who are here, and they build, change communities, and help us for the future..

The Excitement is building! Join us…


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Monday, March 08, 2010

FW: blog

A great day in Yonkers, busy weekend.non stop..for the time spent in Yonkers at the St. pats day parade, to welcoming Kutztown College, University of Pittsburgh, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and also St Josephs college of Maine..all working hard, helping us, assisting us, working to help change the face of the county..

50 plus student strong working a whole week can change a number of areas..Peekskill, Mamoroneck, Yonkers, all working together.

Along with that, meetings over our warehouse, speaking to a group, and meeting with many over helping us we are so blessed.

Tonite DC9 comes out and works with us on the site, helping us build ahead, helping us to move ahead, in taping on our Mamoroenck Homes..awesome!

Tomorrow is our Corporate Luncheon should be we continue on.

Also a private donation for a house in Haiti came yesterday at the Jim, here is your support for a says.

Last thanks to Jim Landy and in his leadership from Hudson Valley Bank at the parade..its all good..he does so much in the community…Up Sligo.

Remember pour mes amis..Kembe Fem! Jim


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Friday, March 05, 2010

FW: blog

Each day is a great one..the Psalmist says..Praise the Lord who is so good,Godslove endures forever;

Praise the God of gods; Gods love endures forever, Praise the Lord of Lords God love endures forever!


How exciting it is for us to know we can Praise the Lord, help one another, and move ahead together…during tough times and good times..

We are commissioned to Praise the Lord, no question.

With that imind, we have so much to do, so much to be able to be grateful for..Last nite I had dinner with 14 Beloit students from Wisconsin as well going to our High School advisory board meeting at Iona College, INSPIRING TO ME ALWAYS!

The future is there, bright and hopeful, and helpful!  Thank you all for all you do.

This weekend there is a silent auction at congregation Kol Ami by Scarsdale High School..amazing.!

We then have my alma maters. St Josephs of Maine coming in Sat as well, what a great group.

We continue with Worcester Polytech and others..again thank you so much..


Today I go to look at neighborhoods in Yonkers with the planning dept..revieweing different land opportunities..we can do change the whole neighborhood into a green neighborhood..join us!


It will be an exciting Spring..the Spring of Youth has sprung in all of our no matter what age, the Spring of helping is ahead..and we will change the county together…



James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Tuesday, March 02, 2010

FW: blog

We have a great day..Edson calls me from his church and from his work at 7am..this morning…college kids are rising above us on the third floor..

We speak to him ..a great guy..let me get my team out..

There are so many people..helping us.. the Hugenot Church calls, how are you Jim, can we get some dates..

The Lions club calls, Jim do youhave gift certificates..for the event..

Thank you God for all who help us , and join us..


At this point we see the leaders of our country and hot water…we need to pray..for our leaders and new leaders from all congregations, all faiths to help change the country and the world..and the county..stay tuned..



James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Monday, March 01, 2010

FW: blog

To what do we owe our world, our life our success.. our hopes..

I returned from Washington Dc ..first I want to thank Mercedes Marquez asst secretary  forCommunity Development, HUD, Derek Douglas, Whtie House Domestic Policy Council, UrbanPoolicy Advisor

Sonal Shah, Director of the Whtie House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Partcipation, and John Kelly, Strateic Advisor, Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships..for their panel with Habitat for Humanity at the White House. Also our NY friend, Adolfo Carrion, former Bronx Burrough president, Director White House Office of Urban Affairs.


As a partnership, we help to change neighborhoods Neighborhood Revitalizaiton all over the country and the world.


As I reflect on my time in Washington, from my first trip there as a young child, when thousands of families like mine, driven by moms and dads like mine God rest their souls, to DC to see the Kennedy White House…and to have a sense of pride and History.


From there, realizing that Washington is only as good as we are the citizens, the habitats, the community organizations helping…it is a true partnership when it works… I realize I am only as good as my construction managers, families, volunteers.board.donors, and all..


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



FW: blog

We are working hard..welcome to Boston College, Lebanon, and also Beloit College of Wisconsin..All week long they will be working on homes in Westchester from Yonkers to Peekskill,..from Mamoroneck to New rochelle..all working together helping in Service!  Amazing..


An interesting week..from Washington DC to New York..from the White House to Habitat Houses..from an engagement party on site to college students from all over. God continues to bless all we do! 

We are so blessed..let me say that again. WE ARE SO BLESSED.

Lets look at Chile..we need to pray for those in Chile..lets look at Haiti..Claude Jeudy just emailed me and stated. Pray for him..and we are brainstorming on a number of initiatives..

We also want to thank the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and the Bible Way church for putting up college students…

For this week..thank you

Reminder this Monday March 9th we have our Corporate Luncheon at the Top of the Avalon, exciting Join us!

So in all we do and say let us give thanks….

God is working in amazing ways…let no building go empty, no family inhoused, no person without a job..we can do this!

Your help is needed today May God bless each of you! Join in MARCH MADNESS..Habitat Style!


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



FW: blog

Lets go get bagles..hwo did you all sleep..throughout our office, and third floor of our headquarters..students are waking up..having bagels, getting ready to build..down the street is boston college, waking up..tonite we will have a joint meeting of the colleges.. a great thing..whats your major, what do you believe about health care..who is your governor, how do we get it right..whats the best thing about your college.

Always inspiring to see the world change, to see the world improve to see students in service!

Today Monday is land day, lets get it done, donate land now, we have projects all over the county now..get ready MARCH MADNESS BEGINS..

God bless


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592
