Friday, March 05, 2010

FW: blog

Each day is a great one..the Psalmist says..Praise the Lord who is so good,Godslove endures forever;

Praise the God of gods; Gods love endures forever, Praise the Lord of Lords God love endures forever!


How exciting it is for us to know we can Praise the Lord, help one another, and move ahead together…during tough times and good times..

We are commissioned to Praise the Lord, no question.

With that imind, we have so much to do, so much to be able to be grateful for..Last nite I had dinner with 14 Beloit students from Wisconsin as well going to our High School advisory board meeting at Iona College, INSPIRING TO ME ALWAYS!

The future is there, bright and hopeful, and helpful!  Thank you all for all you do.

This weekend there is a silent auction at congregation Kol Ami by Scarsdale High School..amazing.!

We then have my alma maters. St Josephs of Maine coming in Sat as well, what a great group.

We continue with Worcester Polytech and others..again thank you so much..


Today I go to look at neighborhoods in Yonkers with the planning dept..revieweing different land opportunities..we can do change the whole neighborhood into a green neighborhood..join us!


It will be an exciting Spring..the Spring of Youth has sprung in all of our no matter what age, the Spring of helping is ahead..and we will change the county together…



James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



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