Tuesday, March 23, 2010

FW: blog

Today is a great day for all us! This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad! I am glad for the many who support us….who volunteer with us..like Horace Mann School, who comes out to volunteer for three days! Along with the two colleges of North Central and Lawrence University, they are all helping to finish our work..


Likewise we have a great benefit tonite for Haiti…a benefit for Haiti in Mamoroneck, for Habitat, thank you to Larry Carvallo and to Larry Gomez..whjo are spreading the word to help Haiti…we are also pushing for helping the word Shelter to be added into the wording of International Aid by Congress. Please call Nita Loweys office to ask her to include shelter into the language of a bill and for Habitat, for homes in Haiti!


I am also blessed to speak at Fordham and thank you for Carol Gibney for sponsoring a luncheon event for Haiti today.



BUILDING GREEN is a big part of our mission…always has been…..Long before it was in vogue for us to be Green..now there is Greenwashing, we have been helping families to save money by making the homes, more energy efficient, healthier and with less chemicals.  Tomorrow we celebrate another milestone in this as we do the near Zero Energy House in Yonkers groundbreaking….an exciting event for us to be able to help build a green home for the Johnson family, as well as to be able to help teach about going green to our neighbors..stay tuned, at 1030 the event happens, with groups from all over, local polticians, planning depts. Of Yonkers..and Mercury Solar, NYPA,and NYSERDA.


We continue on with our Green efforts by recycling building supplies and saving money…God bless you all….

Please make a donation today for all of our efforts. Join us!


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592

Email: Jim@habitatwc.org


Ask about our "Build a house golf challenge coming up October 5".


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