Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Prayer as kingdom activity is not the last hope for the inner city it is the beginning of hope.  This was at least the conviction of Jeremiah..Jer. 29:7...so have HOPE TODAY..pray after Memorial Day.. pray after this long weekend for a new Jerusalem.. a new Greener healthier world..a new Community again..the false greed has caused such need..BUT WITH PRAYER THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE.. no matter what faith!  Sat. nite at Leahman College a shout out to Odane Whilby and his Congregation...for supporting us in prayer and song...for getting the youth involved..for Co Campbell.and JP and the Cross Rhodes..Melissa McHugh and more...all getting youth in service..they started our summer off with PRAYER..NOT THERE IS HOPE ...AND YOU...know you are in our prayers today...and join us in our misson and action!

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