Wednesday, June 16, 2010

FW: blog

Wednesday after the Presidents speech..not impressive sadly to say, words speak louder ...must lets hope for the President,Gov Jindal andMary Landrieu they all help to work to get this done..


How does the Gulf Coast changeNY you might ask..our Oil dominated society has been one which we continue to risk our world over wars, drilling andmore..for the sake of OIl...alternative energy paramount..changing our habits..paramout.......biking,walking, solar wind,public transportation and more..just the beginning thogh long overdue for all we have had to quesiton....i have sponsored a trolley within our headuqaters area. to help us be able to get an idea that trolleys need to come back, walking needs to come back, affordable housing needs to come back...stay tuned..


God bless, jjk


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 106

Fax: 914-636-8592



Visit our New Warehouse Location at 

2 Cortlandt St, Mount Vernon.


Yonkers Event - 66 Main - Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Email me about our Builder's Camp program for youths, adults, and retirees.  




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