#NOLA, New Orleans, ten years ago, I remember watching the weather channels…and then it hit..unbelievable…within a short period of time, we were on a plane, the Habitat of Westchester SWAT team..the team that helps me get disasters recovered, makes #FEMAs job lighter..makes our #Sandy relief worth millions..and Mamoroneck flood homes rebuilt..
Yes our team is strong with volunteers and love and support from you.
I remember going there with a family who lost their home…couldn’t believe it..they never returned and now live in a Habitat home in Yonkers..the Riveras…we still need to help finish a home there, after we helped ten families there…
The smell of New Orleans was horrendous..the sewer, the stink, the heat, the unbelievable smell.we couldn’t find any place that was open to eat……downtown was a ghost town…windows blownout and boarded in high rises, I remember seeing the @ConEd truck on the corner ….made me feel good about the volunteers who help us like they do every month now..thank you Con Ed. I remember Tracy Addison whose home we helped rehab there now, I remember Flo Snow…and
A mom with her Katrina baby, we helped..we take it all for granted… What a city, a culture a life,….many still not there, many still hurtin..we are recommitted not to forget or not to stop helping…Jim Pate and his team at Habitat NOLA, a great leader..
We went a second time with Chris Brown and Weidenbach and Brown and his employees, we built a home…we worked together, we made it happen. Off of Carrolton… we saw sharons home in Gentile..
Also Horace Mann builders continued to help us, continued to go with us..thank you !
Our work is not complete, there nor here, with NOLA, nor in Sandy…nor in Mamoroneck..nor in service in 911 or to Vets..
Remembering brings us to prayer, to faith in action, to SWAT teams of Love and homes rebuilt stronger… we continue..
The song goes “have you ever been to New Orleans….” Its amazing…and when I go may there be a third line..
And may there be NOrelans jazz in heaven. God bless our friends in the Big Easy…Laissez bon temps roulez…with God in hearts and a song too, and a hammer in hand!
Jim Killoran, Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801
(914) 403-4821
Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too.
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