Monday, December 12, 2016

FW: blog

The headlines is Public housing rents to go up..we continue down this path of folly and perpetuating poverty with a broken model of renting, not ownership in our housing authorities..its time we change this..


Jim Killoran, CEO

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 636-8335 ext. 101


Join our Martin Luther King Jr. Build-A-Thon January 10th thru January 16th! Sponsorships are available. Visit


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!


Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!






Friday, December 09, 2016


The key to all we do is to have living conditions that people can live decently here and across the world. I am honored that we have helped sponsor homes all over the world…@200 homes…however I am dismayed that in NY the ability to live and home has become harder and harder in all we do..

Land costs rise,

Real estate rises

Fires burn,, people live in substandard housing in one of the wealthiest counties in the world. However we have the 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 largest cities in the state…

Yet people think because people say Westchester that people don’t need is the exact opposite.

Right now still trying to help fire victims as well..the mission continues, stronger than ever.

God bless you, please help us with your support. jjk


Jim Killoran, CEO

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 636-8335 ext. 101


Join our Homes for the Holidays Campaign! Your donation helps move our families in for the Holidays! Visit


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!


Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!






Friday, December 02, 2016


Its Friday morning, im tired, this weekend we have 7 events, but the added bonus of assisting more than 86 fire victims locally within walking distance of our headquarters has caused a challenge to us like none other.

The crisis of affordable housing grows in NewRochelle…86 people displaced in last 5 days, in three separate fires.. people stuffed in some of the buildings like sardines, because they cant afford high rents, while the gentrification of families and small businesses comes…..

It makes no sense.. I fear a loss of life, of ressidents, police or firefighters, of people who are in need of help and wont be able to get out, of substandard housing and electrical wires put everywhere that make no sense and are danger daily to those living there..


Along with that in the journal news yesterday there was an article in journal news on Mt Kisco being sued on lack of code enforcement on immigrant housing.

This can have ramifications for each municipality, where there is a lack of building inspectors, lack of code enforcement therefore, and lack of quality affordable housing opportunities…The crisis continues.

A dire warning…loss of life Is around the corner, lawsuits will abound, and all for the lack of not making affordablility a reality.

Our mission continues stronger than ever, how dow e help citizens and those that work here, live decently, not die and communities that are safe.  Its winter and its only begun….stay tuned..these are scary times,

We have our disaster teams that go out, our volunteers that deploy our headquarters that gets transformed into a disaster center, and more.

If  you want to help our efforts please donate online to


Jim Killoran, CEO

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 636-8335 ext. 101


Join our Homes for the Holidays Campaign! Your donation helps move our families in for the Holidays! Visit


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!


Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!






Friday, October 07, 2016

FW: blog

We are off and running,  to a great school year…we continue, we work, we move ahead.

With that in mind, we build, rebuild, we help tring to help families live and have a home…yet we are in the toughest

County in the world for people to live.  The reason is that we have the highest taxes, we have people living in substandard housing

Right in our block, in newrochelle,  we have no design to help meet the working peoples need to have a home.

In the capital of the world, we are not number one In creativity. We helped a family get their assistance so that they could live after having illegally being placed in an apartment that they could not live in, we gave them furniture from our Restore for free, like the 181 families we have helped receive support from our organization. So many have no place to move to , to live…..

We continue….we need your help and support, we are building in ten towns and cities right now, building all over, helping rehab seniors homes,

Helpng people to be able to exist so people can have a simple decent home, please donate to help us change the face of families lives from sadness to hope, join us!

Donate today, God bless you                                                    

Friday, September 30, 2016

FW: blog

A story about storms coming, tampa , florida..

Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, we continue..

Our work vital..Stacey calls, Jim I got reproved on appeal, I can build my house again…years later, her kids will be in college when her home gets rebuilt.

Regulations, specific mayors old mayors,  never before happenings, we celebrate her call this morning this Labor Day weekend.

With Stacey, like Janet, llike Eileen, like Tom, like Capt Dalton, like theMcCarthys and the Kellehers, like Erica in NOLA and so many we have continued to help thousands..across the board, from Katrina, El Salvadors earthquake, Haiti, Sandy, Mamoronecks Storm, Hurricane Irene, we are disaster experts…we continue to move ahead…we are ready, we are ready to be blessed to help so many with the thousands of volunteers and lots of love and support.. we are worthy of your support.


Our lessons for disster in our country, have yet to be fully learned, we are in a changing world, changing country, changing times for the way the world exists, and how we live within it..without having people ready to respond, we loselives, homes, neighborhoods…

We continue on with our evolution.


Along with that today, we prepare for a thousand volunteers for our #911 buildathon! We prepare for our work to continue on Veterans homes, to move 15 veterans into a home we will expand.  Yesterday a veteran mom and 12 year old comes in, I am living in my car she says..

I need to get into living. We want her to have a home!

We have so many who want to dream of a habitat home…Your labor donation helps us move ahead..your congregation company family foundation..

We need it……….God bless you donate today

FW: blog

Early sat morning, across the world, volunteers are being deployed, and here too!

We are painting a shelter in White Plains, working on Vets homes in Yonkers, helping to rehab a home in Pelham, have Sidewalk Sales at  theRestore

And much much more! What a gift life is..for sure.

I am blessed we deploy thousands of troops all the time like @jpmorganChase,

StBarnabasYoungadult group, @mastercard @ScarsdaleHighschool, Riverside High and many many more! Churches syngagoues, volunteers, families,

Confirmation and mitzvah kids,are all part of our my Holy  Spirit filled armies who help me to go transform with love, with green, with homes, with hope, with sweat and muchmore!   What a blessing and yes 9 million dollars of volunteer labor to theHurricane Sandy area, we continue!


May you be blessed in all you do today…where are you can you @volunteer #volunteer Volunteer! Come and join us the excitement is building!

Or donate today Godbless you !

FW: 9/29/16 blog

It seems there is always plenty going on, for sure.. people suffering, people huring, trains crashing in Hoboken, terrorists attack in NY,

Hurricanes, tornadoes and more…how do we live, how do we  succeed, and then people come across our door, the housing is horrible, people cant live here, the taxes, highest in the nation, are burdensome….we need change.

It is only through prayer, Gods grace and action we continue! We have to…4000 a month for a shelter is three of our mortgages interest free.

Families suffer, they hurt, they live in fear of being moved around, moved out, rented out with higher income.. and more

Our mission now more than ever is vital..

We also embark on continuing to help our Veterans…Ivan was securing Laguardia last week, one of our homeowners, who served in Afghanistan, called out after the Chalsea bomber did his thing.

Aura calls us today, my daughter and I are homeless or near homeless…I am a veteran, they wont give me HUD vash….

We have to show more love, compassion, help and mission…please contribute to our vital us on Habitat for Veterans, sponsor our Veterans buildathon week,

Help us help non veterans as well.. many come to us everyday, with Gods grace and your help hands heart and support, we can change this obscene situation.

With gratitude

Jim Killoran


FW: blog

Building in #chappaqua today, can you believe, 1/4mile away from a former president and secretary of state…1 to 2 miles from where another wannabe president lives/////on the same street, an au pair asks,can I help..and the workers in                                   

In the deli where we eat,there was a shooting…cant afford to live there….this sounds like a television intrigue series…

Whats intriguing is that more people have left new york than ever before…in the daily news today it talks about over 50,000 homeless families, the most ever in NY.

Developers make 600,000 to7000,000 per unit, 1,000,000 per unit,while we built them for a quarter of that,for ownership….we give no political contributions.. as a matter of face, when we move into a neighborhood, we help the whole neighborhood, we have already helped two neighbors there, and have more to go..

We also move into totally run down neighborhoods and make them #NMU….not as sexy maybe as specialized press conferences with high powered agencies…

But we move ahead, from Sandy to #chappaqua, from the lower east side where I was board member of nyc habitat, and worked with the homeless to the tip of Westchster, from Santo Domingo and Haiti, to Somers and the Hill, battle Hill where we build for Veterans…

Its time we take back all the Hills..for the people, so people can live, so that thru #volunteerism, everyone can live in a simple decent home.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

FW: blog

Sept 14th, our work continues, more than 400 for our #911 buildathon..

Our world that we are in, we need to make it better everyday, from water to energy, to sustainable food, to

Helping people have a home..its time!

We are in a critical time in our world…presidential candidates who are working .what have they done for affordable home ownership in New York.

The AmericanDream while they have been here…a fair question.

With that in mind we continue…we have to work together to make sure the quality of our communities is making it happen. May God bless all our efforts today.

Friday, August 19, 2016

FW: blog

The week that was that is..

Our builders camp started again this week,more than 100 strong working with us, from all over

Helping to learn how to hammer, make bird houses, tool boxes, tables, our #MakersSpace, and in our

Space where we will redesign Westchester, yes that’s right, in our new Headquarters, God has put us here, now we need you to make a special extra blessing

Gift to us..ten dollars, 100 , 1000 or more..recognition to help us buy and purchase this important Gateways #SoNo NewRo building that will help us

Change the face of Main St, in NewRochelle. This holy place helps us help moms and kids daily,

Like those that are evicted, or potentially evicted, those three moms who came to me this week..or the two seniors homes the Mayor of Pelham asked us to help

Hit and help us to rehab seniors homes, who could not maintain their home…

All of this we move like a SWAT team for good, for LOVE , from the A team to the HOPES team, we make it happen.

With that in mind,  we continue…come visit, as we will be giving tours constantly, both inside and out.

And tomorrow is National Thrift Store day, it gets even better at our #restore.

May God bless you and yours..go to our website,…the Excitement is building!

FW: blog

Another day, another blessing…another family from our #Gateways neighborhood, calls, can you help us, we have little insulation, we are paying too much and it is cold in the sister has sickle cell, my father retired..

Please help.

These calls about rehabbing homes, that are in desperate need of repair, are called Brush with Kindness…no question..

We work hard to help so many from Seniors to Vets to average families who are burdened by high taxes, no little about home maintainance in our world of computers…and need our help. This family was in Mt Vernon..last week two in Pelham..another call from Ossining, our Brush with Kindness Repair program is in great need.

We also are in a crisis of lack of affordable home ownership in NY.  We continue, we are blessed to help move ahead. But we can do it without your help…

With that in mind… join us in this vital mission!

Monday, August 01, 2016

FW: blog

Early morning, sat..volunteers coming, at the Restore, have been to our mcquestin Gateways community garden, watering..

We love and live by volunteers……..we ask you to pray now, as we see horrific conditions of families who cant afford to live in NY, …working, but the rents are too damn high, zombie houses abound, but take years to turn over, and luxury high rises go up like large weeds within walking distance of our headquarters while people get gentrified..

It is a horrible situation that people and officials pretend they care.. we definitely needs God s grace and guidance during this time,..your prayers and donations and sweat all in the capital of the world,…can go to bed at nite in a simple decent home.

With gratitude, jjk

Monday, July 11, 2016

FW: blog

We are in a crisis of affordable housing,..dense communities burn with fires from high taxes and people not able to change their electric while others have two acre zoning..lands of presidents and wanna presidents, governors and wannabe governors, all see affordable ownership as a problem in their affluent white towns..people running our towns and cities live further away for that American dream and NY is the most exited state in the country…something drastically wrong here folks….

Its time for change, that we build in every town and city…we have to ..lives and generations depend upon it…what we see in the  news today, is a clear lack of ownership,respect, understanding love, lack of opportunity and more….we continue…God bless our work, Habitat of Westchester, our volunteers and so many more…jim killoran

Friday, July 08, 2016

FW: blog

Today we work in the inner city, transforming it with many people, many volunteers..50 plus in making it more ugly.. a change so that there is relationship building, together..building community together…tomorrow another group works with me in MtVernon, we continue, to are blessed to help to see what we can do tpo help our Gateways neighborhood there improve to great beauty, so many great people. 

I have been blssed to work in the inner cities, the gateways, for a number of years…we work together to help change neighborhoods together, God celebrates diversity, no question.

As we look at what happened in Baton Rouge, Minnesota, Dallas, we pray and are more committed in the theology of the hammer, and the theology of  diversity, I  call it.. God celebrates diversity, no question…but many of our faith communities are not, and we need all to realize in Gods eyes we are equal, in our mission, all should go to bed at nite in a simple decent home!

To that end, we work harder than ever, we pray, and we move ahead..


Tuesday, July 05, 2016

FW: blog

Early morning runs to our community gardens in #MtVernon and #NewRochelle.

The Gardens help to bring joy, NMU. No more Ugly a term I created, hope, beauty and love to people

We also have changed the Ashburton corridor as well with the gardens, green space is needed for sure..

Many volunteers help me from all over, no question..they plant, the clean, the come together in community knowing each others neighbors.

Last week I was invited to speak at the #Chappaqua community garden, helping to speak about community and home building there.

The leaders are making signs and on July 16th they are helping to sell them at the Farmers Market.


Main St NewRochelle Ashburton Yonkers and Mt Vernon Avneue Mt Vernon are all our neighborhoods of Habitat, of Gods neighborhoods, of the people.

We have pushed hard to stop heavy traffic accidents, and we also help push for crosswalks, buttons, beauty, NMU…sometimes the they don’t like speaking up by us,

But they have to fix the problems…People have environmental injustice…..happening all the time….just this week three accidents on Main St….in SoNO Newrochelle

In the Gateways.. I ran out, two elderly people hit from behind in their car, and the driver was dizzy, falling into the street, walking in circles, I calmed him, had him sit back in

While calling the police and ambulance and ended up driving their car to the hospital, ….this happens often….it has to stop. A car went through our old restore, at 524 main

And then it went through two other storefronts, speeding at octavios and also the former clark realty..speeding,…they life.

Main st needs tobe Main St again……

Mt Vernon avenue, speeding happens too..our planter program…green planters, as green goes up crime goes down, changes the concrete jungles into streets and neighborhoods again..

Government responds slowly, too slow, but the people need to get involved in their neighborhoods..the lack of voting for officials is at a dismal low in NY, and in our neigbhborhoods,

We encourage voter registration too, and community participation……however elected officials come and go..but people stay and live.they are the main stay….like us..

Join us the excitement is building and growing and changing highways to neighborhoods again..


With that in mind we will have three cookouts in the our gardens in the abovementioned areas..join us!

FW: blog

An honor to speak at ST Pauls Historic Church in MtVernon, a national historic site..

This was a ceremony about he declaration of independence, and I asked us all to be more vigilant, prayerful, faithful

And remember our freedoms..Freedom, Faith and the future..

We also need freedom from cars, computers and campaigns…they have been hurting us along with little or no affordable this end we work..

We help create green communities that will help us build and rebuild the future in ways that are great for all, from babies to elderly, from school workers to school principals..

A homeless woman called my phone this morning, jim I had to stay at the train station again..can you help get me a shower today…what a world..

We have to have a better way of helping those in need in our communities….from Veterans to retirees, from milleniels and more to others..

Its time! Join us in this vital work, life saving, community changing.. God bless America..

Thursday, June 30, 2016

FW: blog

How blessed we are as we work in new Rochelle, yonkers, Chappaqua, millwood, mt Vernon today.

Our volunteers are our life blood. Fema stating we gave 9  million dollrs to the rockaways helps us to realize

How important we have saved lives changed lives, saved communities…the #broken window theory to theend degree..

What broken windows do you see daily, are we dull to them, do we accept mediocrity, do we ask God for guidance to make the world better

Every is truly our mission…in a world that needs hope, love, windows, fixed, hearts mended, religions with love as one,

And NMU..No More Ugly…

Join us in this vital mission s we make America better on the way to the 4th of July and every day and everywhere..

God bless America and the world..we need extra blessings God…we pray

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

FW: blog

Yesterday morning one of our families came in to visit..what an  honor..

Coming to help us and talk.. the daughter I hadn’t seen since she was young..

Now a teacher she is doing amazing…the next door family, whose two kids also graduated college, one from Syracuse the other Sacred Hart..

One not working in the finance world..the other now working as a nurse..

What world we live working, studying, having  a safe home to succeed..another one of the many benefits of habitats world..the nume one private builder in the country, lets make it #1 in NY< in building home ownership again…are you with me..

God bless you..jjk

Friday, June 10, 2016

FW: blog

What a day, kicking off more than 250 volunteers, we continue strong..

Never stopping, we have two companies and an eagle scout group volunteering today..

As I talk to one of the finance companies, someone asks, jim, you are right about the manufacturing needing to come help communities…the carpet mills used to be at the bottom of where we have contributed more than 2 million dollars of volunteer labor…build 15 new homes and fifteen community gardens, as well as helped to rehab 25 homes…

As I drive a way, two young gentlemen their 20s…we need jobs! I stop give them my card, ask them to pray for me to get capital to hire more people to help change lives and hoods together…and drive away,

Urban America, typical..everyone wants a shot, needs a job a home, a park a good hood..will you donate today…

God bless you, we change lives and hoods one day at a time…adding up to quality of life changes needed for all!


Jim Killoran

Thursday, May 26, 2016

FW: blog

God works…yesterday I talked to Pablo, a great family member. Sunday I a family member from Harlem come visit our Restore…

With that in mind, we move ahead..we work we live we breathe,

This past summer I helped 100 burned out family members in Peekskill… a fire..

We were there with furniture, with help, the Mayor opened a warehouse and we were able to help so many.

Pablo worked with me in helping the families..

In the meantime, later in the fall, we kept helping working with familes together, helping building assisting,

Just this week we helped another mom who who was being evicted with our eviction program.

With that in mind, I had referred him to the Putnam Habitat home that is being built….apply lets hope and pray..

After going through the process Pablo and his family are going to be the Habitat homeowners in Lake Peekskill..

The threads of connection move on together, with that in mind, Gods thread of life is touching you,, your stories of sewing your lifequilt together, to help others, is unraveling today off the spool…the Habitat thread is stronger than ever this Holy Season, we are blessed…by you, please donate to our vital cause

FW: blog

waBack blogging this day, what better dayto do it than on Valentines Day 2016.  What a week.

Ash Wednesday began with my ashes from a fire on 77 Centre street in NewRochelle. It light of our goals here at our headquarters, Restore and disaster center, the local police and Red cross asked me to help. I am honored to work with police and red cross workers and firefighters.  Within 7minutes our headquarters easily was made open, socks and hot coffee, coats and food were given.

We h ope to put a kitchen and showers here too, we are always ready to help.  Join us, help sponsor this if you can!

L:ike the 1800 home swe touched with volunteers in the Rockaways and Breezy, like the Fountainplace fire in NewRochelle helping 50 families, like the Nodine hill fire where 6 died and we helped with 300 families…at Good Shepherd, like the Pelham ave fire victims in New Rochelle, like the 200 families in  the floods of Mamoroneck we re there!


Game on ! April we have a huge amountof events coming up


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821



Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 



Join Habitat for Humanity of Westchester on February 6 at 4p.m. for a Mardi Gras celebration at 659 Main Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801! We will have live music, authentic New Orleans style food, and much more! All proceeds for the event will go towards the revival of a home in New Orleans!







"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!


Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!





FW: blog

We move into Memorial Day weekend..we kickoff our New makers space Made in New Rochelle Art woodwork and more!

This great space is amazing..we work to move ahead, to help make this world better, building rebuilding making!

The makers space will teach great people to build again, design again, make repurposed items out of fabric and more..

We are amazed at what happens, to help this great space become an incubator for Rockwells, for great carpenters and builders and for future habitaters..


Memorial Day weekend, what an honor, to Marines and one West Point Grad came into me to meet with me…I cant believe this, but only that our commitment to veterans is stronger than ever….we have helped sooo many vets, …my assistant a wounded warrior, another vet for instance we hired and helped to put his badge on him two years later as a yonkers policeman..Jason a marine who was on verge of being homeless, and another vet john Vietnam vet…was was homeless and now his whole family reunited into a habitat home.

We are more commited now more than ever to make life great, for everyone, to help every vet have a home and a celebrate using our hands, not for typing as  I do now, but for building with love, making with love LOVE IN THE MORTAR JOINTS..IN THE TWO BY FOURS, IN THE HABISACKS BAGS, IN THE PALLATE FURNITURE, IN THE HOMES WE BUILD! we continue!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

FW: blog

Back from Northern Westchester, at 9pm..i started in mt Vernon at 6am..a long day, but reminds me of the tale of two cities this county is..some cities no trees in areas, others, forests in towns..some cities glutted with failed affordable subsidized housing, not ownership the others, failed lawsuit building, no affordable homes being built..

Some with poor education, others highest sats..

Some towns white, affluent with presidents and wanna be presidents, governors and wanna be governors, congresswomen, and wannabes, in all primarily in all white affluent towns with little or no affordable homes…

What a world..the country of Westchester…time to change it, whose in…the theology of the hammer continues….

Thursday, March 24, 2016

FW: blog

Here we are a week before Holy Sat and Easter..our volunteers are out here and in five towns and cities…building loving life, changing the history of Westchester’s housing needs.

Every day we get closer to building away, to help another family, another neighborhood be whole, we are motivated that much more to  continue….we are in #Yonkers and in #MtVernon today.

We build in #Chappaqua today, an honor to move ahead to help two families have homes and Friday, we close on two more homes to be built in #Millwood…an amazing thing.  The county is filled with contradictions…

#NY is the hardest place in the country to have a business and to live to have a home.  At this point in time it is our mission to change that…God is with us, and gives us strength like

The David Psalmist said….and you strengthen us..please make your donation this week to help us continue! Stronger than ever…may you and yours be blessed in all you do!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

FW: blog

This Wednesday of Holy Week we work in deconstructing in Rye..we are building in Yonkers, painting in MtVernon, we continue all over

Our work is vital, we are blessed in all we do…we help we work we pray we believe that poverty can be ended in this amazing county and country and world.

To that end join us in prayer, pick up a hammer, get your family out, your company or congregation..its time!

Friday, February 19, 2016

FW: blog

Another great week, so many volunteers all over, our Retirees HOPES group, our volunteers from West Point, our high school volunteers, all ages, all wanting to help build simple decent homes!

With that in mind we continue….our #Chappaqua homes are moving ahead in great progress..lots to do, lots of funds to raise, lots of fun, changing the history of families lives forever..not only the family partners,

But our own lives as we volunteer.

Success is measured in how we help one another…what we do to give and it in our congregation, or in our family or personally.

We are in a crisis of affordable housing right now…we have to change that no question. NY is the highest and hardest place to live in the country, yet a drop in the bucket of affordable homes are being made, while

Luxury continues….our leaders say they care with lifetime pensions and political contributions, while people are stuffed into basements, burned out of apt buildings and saying, when can we leave.

This is a God movement, no question, a ministry, an effort of love of swinging hammers and helping to build! or riding a Ken Fuirst who rode across the country to raise money on his bike and built a home with his company.

Or like Patrick Molloy who helped us in Mamoroneck in the floods and 7 years later a retired carpenter , came back and says I need to help…now in Chappaqua deconstructing,

Like Mary Bonner, who comes in daily for 25 years helping us run our operations and restore, with prayers, persistence and love.

Like Josh Collado a senior in Newrochelle high school, who said, let me help you Jim run your you build.. help you make it happen, help you run a Harlem Wizards event, to help support all we do in NewRochelle..

Like the thousands who help us from Congregation Kol Ami, to Holy Family, to First Presbyterian MtVernon, to upon this Rock, to Fordham University and so many

We continue..what are you waiting for,…get habititis,. Get the Ruah, the Holy Spirit the theology of the Hammer….lives depend upon it, joy comes from swinging and giving…

God Bless you!



Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821



Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 



Join Habitat for Humanity of Westchester on February 6 at 4p.m. for a Mardi Gras celebration at 659 Main Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801! We will have live music, authentic New Orleans style food, and much more! All proceeds for the event will go towards the revival of a home in New Orleans!







"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!


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Spring into action; the next 25 years!




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Monday, February 01, 2016

FW: blog

Be part of the “Soulution” today..i think God gives us Soulutions everyday..its up to us to listen and act on them, to see every human you meet as part of them and to join in making the world better daily..

May sound funny, but that’s how we roll here in Habitat of Westchester  …all things intentional for our good, the goodLord does it for us, according to the song..we believe it.

If not Habitat ofWestchester should have been gone years affordable homes, yet we still build.

Hud Lawsuits, though we have built in Somers, Larchmont, Bedford Poundridge, without any monitor.

Few resources overshadowed by nycs constant attention, yet we have worked on 2000 homes from here to the rockaways and Peekskil

We need a solution in our life daily, starts with Nehemiah who said he would rebuild our Lord who knelt to pray in the garden, or mother Teresa who I met years ago in Newark, who would pray, orlike Millard and Linda Fuller founders of Habitat..then we need to act! The answers come every day but we need to act.

We need to pick up a hammer,we believe every youth of all ages, 10-100 should know how to build..

We believe that everyone is a philanthropist to donate one dollar or 1000 or yes 1 million dollars..

We are all put on earh to change the obscene situation that 75000 people are in shelters tonite within ten milles ofmy office..

That 2acre zoning continues to stop simple decent homes being built in towns like harrison…

That politics hides soulutions as we follow leaders with little action.

That faith in action needs to happen, be it Iona or Shiloh Baptist, or Temple Israel of Kol Ami.

We need to change things now..


With that in mind is Soultion Saturday! What are you waiting me 914 403 4821, or donate today God bless you


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821



Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 



Join Habitat for Humanity of Westchester as they honor our Veterans who have served, and are serving. Habiat for Humanity of Westchester’s 3rd annual “Love a Veteran” celebration is this Sunday, January 31, 2016 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm  located at 659 Main Street, New Rochelle, NY  10801.


Donations are always appreciated: carepackages and valentine cards will be done at the event….food will be provided.






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Thursday, January 21, 2016

FW: blog

I have been blessed to have been helping for Martin Luther Kings birthday in service for more than 15 years.. my counterparts have followed our lead, to now perform a  day in service. We now dedicate ten days of service.

We  have a dream for a better NY, we have a dream for one Westchester, we have a dream for fair education for all, we have a dream for homeownership for all New Yorkers, from the cradle to the grave.

The mass exodus of New Yorkers to states with less taxes, more affordability, more pro business areas, in other states than here,

Its time this I get off a phone call of a church who says lets help the homeless. the root of the issue is there is no housing, no affordability.No rooms at the inn…we have to change this,

Join us..





Sid sculman, 16 acres habitat

4561 3758803 8846




Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821



Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 



Join Habitat for Humanity of Westchester as we kick-off our Martin Luther King Jr. Build-A-Thon (January 18-January 26) with a MLK Jr. Dinner Sunday, January 17th at 5:30 pm.  located at 659 Main Street, New Rochelle, NY  10801






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Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!




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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

FW: blog

We have a dream that everyone will live in a simple decent home. This mission now more than ever, is vital for America and the world.

With that in mind, we are blessed to help those rebuild their dream in @Sandy relief and advocate, we continue to help rehab and repair homes in MtVernon, Yonkers, NewRochelle, Peekskill and throughout the county, we start two Passive homes of four in Chappaqua Millwood area, and help disaster families from fires get permanent housing often with furniture from the Restore.

we “believe unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality..”

“Weve been in the mountain of war, weve been in the mountain of hatred, weve been in the mountain of violence long enough.”


Dr King spoke many words, with meaning and from the heart and from the Holyspirit, the Ruah, the same Spirit that people ask for to come in the Koran Torah and bible,

Not a spirit of violence but of love.


For years, we have been building..and rebuilding with love and diversity…


I remember cleaning up a school yard helping Mother Teresas sisters in Newark…and the kids asked, who you working for Reagan, I replied, just for you to have clean place to play…

I continue to paint parks and clean up school yards…gladly so kids can play.

On the Lower East Side when homeless were everywhere and are coming back again today, I remember giving out clothing and working with the well as helping to reach out to those that lived in the squatters buildings which now go for millions while people are on the streets again.


I remember seeing people turn red in a town in Westchester recently when I sat with my diversed staff and we were building a home and the committee said, you aren’t bringing those people in are you..


I remember people moving away when my multicolored diverse family, Hispanic, black irish, moved into the neighborhood…

We have a dream..God celebrates diversity, God asks our faith communities to be intentionally diverse, God asks us to to help all have a single decent home.  No Question..

When I visited Ebenezer Baptist with presidents and paupers, with the founder Millard Fullers service being celebrated, I remember feeling what it must have been in 1964 with FBI and racists…all waiting for Martin to come outside his door…today God waits for us to let the Spirit into our hearts the spirit of diversity and love the spirit of the theology of the hammer, to build and rebuild! Stay tuned for more…


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821



Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 



Join Habitat for Humanity of Westchester as we kick-off our Martin Luther King Jr. Build-A-Thon (January 18-January 26) with a MLK Jr. Dinner Sunday, January 17th at 5:30 pm.  located at 659 Main Street, New Rochelle, NY  10801






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Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!




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