Another great week, so many volunteers all over, our Retirees HOPES group, our volunteers from West Point, our high school volunteers, all ages, all wanting to help build simple decent homes!
With that in mind we continue….our #Chappaqua homes are moving ahead in great progress..lots to do, lots of funds to raise, lots of fun, changing the history of families lives forever..not only the family partners,
But our own lives as we volunteer.
Success is measured in how we help one another…what we do to give and it in our congregation, or in our family or personally.
We are in a crisis of affordable housing right now…we have to change that no question. NY is the highest and hardest place to live in the country, yet a drop in the bucket of affordable homes are being made, while
Luxury continues….our leaders say they care with lifetime pensions and political contributions, while people are stuffed into basements, burned out of apt buildings and saying, when can we leave.
This is a God movement, no question, a ministry, an effort of love of swinging hammers and helping to build! or riding a Ken Fuirst who rode across the country to raise money on his bike and built a home with his company.
Or like Patrick Molloy who helped us in Mamoroneck in the floods and 7 years later a retired carpenter , came back and says I need to help…now in Chappaqua deconstructing,
Like Mary Bonner, who comes in daily for 25 years helping us run our operations and restore, with prayers, persistence and love.
Like Josh Collado a senior in Newrochelle high school, who said, let me help you Jim run your you build.. help you make it happen, help you run a Harlem Wizards event, to help support all we do in NewRochelle..
Like the thousands who help us from Congregation Kol Ami, to Holy Family, to First Presbyterian MtVernon, to upon this Rock, to Fordham University and so many
We continue..what are you waiting for,…get habititis,. Get the Ruah, the Holy Spirit the theology of the Hammer….lives depend upon it, joy comes from swinging and giving…
God Bless you!
Jim Killoran, Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801
(914) 403-4821
Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too.
Join Habitat for Humanity of Westchester on February 6 at 4p.m. for a Mardi Gras celebration at 659 Main Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801! We will have live music, authentic New Orleans style food, and much more! All proceeds for the event will go towards the revival of a home in New Orleans!
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