Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fw: blog

What a day, A team members wrapping up their summer, Harvey school comes out next week..IBM volunteers lining up..

And the HIT team..Habitat interfaith team is forming…and ready to go into high gear..all of this means we are moving into a CAMPAIGN, not a presidential campaign, but a Grassroots campaign of winning the war against poverty..with building homes…look how much goes into ad money now, it could be many of your donations are going into political contributioins…we need house contributions…or Rachel who stopped by the other day and said..with her two year old..I need ahome for my family, I work I never dream..Melissa who came in today stated..I love my home, I work hard..nobody is taking anything away, we help our neighborhood…so many so many need help…the Journal News publishes today wealth disparity in Westchester county grows….school programs get cut, foreclosures increasing…help us CHANGE this situation now!!!!!! Lives, neigborhoods and our futures depend upon it..yes our futures, because if one suffers we all suffer..with schools around the corner …lets bring real hope..keep real American Dreams alive, not with talk but with action..with your help and mine. God bless, jjk

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