Thursday, August 14, 2008


Habitat ..we love is the key.we are starting Habitat Interfaith Builders.....for our 20th anniversary...this blessing for all of us...God winks at us, the writer says and He guides us..
so that we are all blessed those who have the mustard seed of faith...from faith, action comes..This morningI was blessed to have two Mormons come in a pray with me, a Msgr call me, Father Nick a Greek Orthodox priest share with me, and Rabbi send a donation...we are doing amazing things becauase we are blessed by angels of all different faiths...blessed by angels of faith and action...will you join us with your congregation!!!!!!
New Yorleans Express;  on the phone with New Orleans this morning and Washington Dc and Washington....
what a world i am blessed with..we have built with different materials, blessed with meeting different industries, that have allowed us to use interesting energy efficient products...products that will last, products that will save our families energy..since 1997 we have been using energy efficient products thanks to people like ralph degnan from canada and ossining and volunteers who guided us the whole way...these homes are energy efficient in New York and in New Orleans..our concrete homes...are doing great and next week architects and builders from New Orleasn come and visit us...from New York to New orleans and New Orleans to New York God blesses us..more to follow..jjk

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