Friday, August 29, 2008

Fw: blog

as we look at things and see where we re heading, interesting times...for sure..
a great speech by Obama. no question, there is a fundamental disconnect between the federal govt, and the local level...especially here in westchester...diatribes locally about caring, but we are overtaxed and the big developers continue to get the tax breaks in the county, where no relief has gone to the average citizen...applying to politics on the you often have may have heard me new orleans last time, the governor president, mayor all pointed fingers, while a thousand people died...unbelievable..bringing it locally, the diatribes about caring, and going green for instance finds things that have left people in ways that hurt many ...unsafe traffic patterns..unsafe bike riding lanes..lots about nothing, ...where do we make the connect again..stay tuned.
as we come to our Labor day weekend, we pray your Labor be blessed that we come back to real principles and real action of community organizing and real grassroots caring, and that we celebrate life and less taxes together..with more sweat equity and home ownership..jjk

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