Friday, September 04, 2009

FW: blog

morning coffee,

hi i say in Croatian to Sven, how are you. great i hope..

we teaches me a few words in Croatian..hi i say in a little Patiois in Jamaican to the woman who shops daily...then i speak in Spanish to my friends in front of the bus stop and then a few words in Portuguese with my Brazilian friend owner, of the shop across the street..this is NY this is America..this is the beauty of our diversity. I started my first show in Spanish at WVOX once a month, honored to see it happen for sure...Thank you WVOX.. i had Marta Lopez from the countys hispanic services, and five business owners...all good..

we work together, we live together, we celebrate together we build community together all over...

Yesterday i spoke to my friend about Kibera Kenya...check out the worst slum in the world.we have it so good, we have so many great things in life going on..but imagine beng born in Kibera...we havfe a world ot change yet.....God bless you...


James Killoran
Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
Office: 914-636-8335 x 101
Fax: 914-636-8592


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