Thursday, September 10, 2009

FW: blog

a great day..thank you for all who are helping this week, a busy week for sure..

Harvey continues in their work for sure..and they are building strong..thank you Harvey...

also an article about a meeting on gun violence tonite held at a neighborhood Yonkers...we have to get the guns out of the streets..this is a time of great change and I hope and pray that this will happen, will you join us in this prayer..


Thanks to Al Donohue who met with us yesterday about possible building in Buchanan....heres to more homes...

Also heres to you and your family.. know you are in our prayers today...jjk


James Killoran
Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
Office: 914-636-8335 x 101
Fax: 914-636-8592


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