Tuesday, September 22, 2009

FW: blog

If you have the Faith of a Mustard seed, God promises we can move mountains, change hearts lives,  in Mathew ch. 13, verse31  and hte Kingdom of heaven islike a Mustard Seed...if we have faith, no matter what religion, God promises us to move mountains, to help change hearts and minds to help build homes in counties that have denied it, to help raise support in the worst economy, to help bring love to all...

With God all things are possible! thank you God!


Imagine that every day was a habitat site of love. of volunteers of bulding, or mentoring of families, of tutoring, of assisting..

imagine if this were true...

Join us in this endeavor, join us in making the world a better place...visit our Restores today tohelp save the environment and the economy make a donatoin today to us...Imagine that you could help build a green urban neighborhood of afforable homes, it can be done!

This continues to be our journey in Westchester...Join us!


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