Thursday, June 05, 2014


Early Morning ….welcome to Levitt Fuirst, to our A Team members, to those of us who help us and work with us..we are so grateful…Goldman Sachs, home owners, high school and college kids all building with us, from  here to the rockaways.  We cant complain for sure, …we work we move we see grat things happening.  The next two days for instance will be amazing along the Ashburton Corridor…in Yonkers…and on our #Veterans homes on High St.  Our two homes will see us building away with Veterans to be able to move two Marines into their homes….with their kids..a miracle.  A miracle because they said we could notdo it, they said we could not make it happen, they said we could not revitalize another neighborhood..and that veterans wont have a chance in this county.  Unbelievable.  But God had bigger plans…with Battle Hill and Levitt Fuirst, and our workers, we continue…with our young Veterans club and our Senior Vets, with donations such as that today from #Wellsfargo, who contributes 10,000 dollars today to us, as well as those who contribute inkind donations, like #Silverstein properties and Marty Burger.

All of this is amazing….we move we breathe we see Veterans lives change, niehgborhoods change….

What a world it is..a great world with Habitat of Westchester..

And in #Sandy relief, we see so many people work together, to help us….we just got notes from St Monincas in California..thank you for letting us be part of your mission, they write…they send shirts and hats to our workers, they send their prayers and love.  Next week a group comes in from Virginia…the work  continues….and my idea for a National Disaster University continues…no question..with Gods help and our work to help make NY more resilient, hurricane proof and stronger.  The Governor thinks so, he took my idea with the Vice President after having proposed it to his committee…he didn’t invite however to his kickoff…he should have.  Having been in Sandy relief…on January 24, 2013 councilman Rich Thomas stated, come and speak at Suny Purchase.  Ch 12 interviewed me on my idea to the Moreland Commission. Emails on record show I proposed the National Disaster University and the taped interview…stay tuned….a stronger NY…with that in mind we move and breathe, we work hard, God gives us great ideas…

Like the NDU./….and like NMU and many more.

This vital blessed team has only just  begun.




Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


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Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years




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