Monday, July 29, 2013

FW: blog

The Earth is the Lords and all that is within it…no question.. God opens up land, doors, homes, for us, to build on, to take back to help share with our partner families to own..and make the neighborhood safe…Real estate is a right to live on, not a commodity..if people work and do sweat equity, like Mike and his wife Nikki, from Nodine Hill, two Marines, who did sweat equity on their homes in Battle Hill in Yonkers..Sat..with Levitt Furst and with All Saints..they did a great job..

Or like the homeowners in Somers who moved in and did 900 hours of sweat equity, tilling, working on the house and will  continue too…or like the family off of Mt Vernon avenue..who desires a home, empty near her street.

The Earth is the Lords and all that is within it.


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



Wednesday, July 24, 2013

FW: blog

Today we met at 6am…we welcome Credit Suisse interns today on short notice..glad to have them..

With that in mind..we are grateful…send as many volunteers as you can..we can use them.. no question…we have 100 volunteers tomorrow…we could keep 1000 volunteers going tomorrow..our a ny area, recovering from Hurricane an area that affordable housing is a dirty an area where real estate is a commodity not a right..and people are burdened with most of their income to rentals, taxes, communiting etc…we can change this, we are every volunteer day, every closing….ever family in..


We see families in like today a closing on a home for a family in Somers…we not only worked on rehabbing a home and making it new and energy efficient..we work on making it amazingly beautiful and help the neighbors too…. We worked on five other homes up there…with rehabs…we helped do clean up projects..

We helped get hundreds of volunteers…and now when we close at 2pm..we change the families life forever..


That’s what we do… we work..helping people have homes, condos, and great neighborhoods is not a bad is a Great thing! Be it for veterans..or a carpenters family…a single mom and kids..a senior citizen..who cant pay the highest taxes or eat..we continue..

God bless you


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



Monday, July 22, 2013

FW: blog

6am gang, almost here…

For almost nine months..we have been here..thank you Sandy..what a friend..

The hurricane hit, we hit the ground..the water sent homes in mold, we demolded them,

Families cried for help..we responded to our best abilities and cried with them… we still meet daily..

We have a group in from New Hampshire today..we have volunteers from New Orleans today…we don’t have any from New York…should nt all of new York being helping New Yorkers this summer..

It is always sexier to go away somewhere to helpa neighbor over is harder to help right in our own backyard…will you help a new Yorker in need this summer…..lets go New York lets go!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



FW: blog

Each second is gift…our world sometimes seems fractured…violence, battles, poor education, troubled days for some…yet there is hope..there is prayer, there is action..

We see things we wish didn’t exist, but then we help change them for the neighborhoods..for the kids, for families and people….things have changed, in my whole life I have seen the worst situations and places turn into amazing places…no question.

With your help…your prayers, your donations..we can change phoenixes out of the ashes,

God helps us revive neighborhoods..join us!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



Tuesday, July 16, 2013

FW: blog

Today we reflect on the earth being the Lords and all that is within it..according to the psalmist..

Real estate communities sometimes forget that…making it harder and harder for the average person to have a home with his or her family…with NY being the number one exited state..highest taxes and last in is a concoction for disaster…..its time we make a louder voice on the need for long term affordable home ownership….that we design add ons for Seniors in towns and cities, that a granny flat can be established…we will help design a new concept on this ..stay tuned.

With that in mind we give thanks..our thousands of volunteers have been armies of hope..of hearts, of hammers and homes!

Every group that thinks about how vital their work is realizes they are part of the changing..ever company and congregation…

Along with that we pray…prayer and action is the key to our success…since early on in the founding days of southwest Georgia, to the roads in Zaire..and El Salvador…to Belfast, and Haiti..and here back home in NY>>

We continue stronger than ever..with your prayers, your sweat equity and your donation…with great gratitude..we have only just begun!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



Thursday, July 11, 2013

FW: blog

25 years…anniversary..continues…from Sandy assistance now to more than 800 families, to helping fire building homes for changing the lives of a janitors family..

To seeing single moms with the strength of ten men…to becoming revitalizers of whole neighborhoods… amazing journey.

Today companies like Greystone capital come out and help make us change a neighborhood..they will bring one hundred strong, a small army to our sites..

They will help us build and rebuild..they will help us paint and plant, hit nails and sow seeds..share love and bring team building, in corporate giving back and more..

They come rain or shine, in hope and in giving and in many do that..

And our individuals come regularly all the time…our Hopes retirees, our weekend warriors, our regular high school leaders..

Our congregations..they all make up our success..for sure..

With that in mind, we embark on the next 25 years, encouraging us to go green, to make a  world with less flooding, green homes, green gardens, less concrete and more love….

Last nite I visitied four families in Yonkers, who just moved in…they waited till we could put a sewer in..till they could put a long line connection, till the earth froze over it seemed..

But they are in…their homes beautiful..their faces beaming…a family member said never did we really how blessed we could be…they are blessed.. you are part of the blessing…thank you!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!