Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I walk into Dunkin Donuts..#K Love is playing….the local bodega K love, from Portchester to NYC it goes K Love is there..telling of stories of how we need the Lord, we need God in our lives.

Tomorrow we see the movie Son of God… a great movie thanks to the Lanza Family foundation, we are visiting to see it..to view it…already the movie is sold out ahead of time in theatres..do you think we need God, that people are not hungering for God..for his protection, His love, communities of safety and dignitiy and morality…its no question..there is an onslaught of need for prayerful Holy Spirit..the Hebrew word is the Ruah, filled living.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by angels..good people, great people who believe in God.

When I am in the #hood, changing negative to positive. An honor for me..i crank up #KLove, and know the angels have me….do the angels have you surrounded today..yes they day.. may  your walls of your home, apt, offices, and family be filled with Love and angels. That is our prayer and wish for our Habitat families, for your families and all. God bless you!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



Monday, February 24, 2014

FW: blog

People places and things. God wants us to surround ourselves with His love..and live in His Love..

Interesting to say the least..did you know Habitat of Weschester is a ministry of love. No question..there is no other reason for what we do

Other than an expression of Gods love to others.  We are in a county and state, where real estate and taxes are horrible..where there is no

Love for people..Love for walls..would you pray for our work today….God has protected us no question. I have picked up bullets, stopped drug dealers,

Worked with police, seen neighborhoods go from bad to great, in loving hands of habitat volunteers, love hammers, loving expressions that we can

Care for one another. In NY Real estate is God…too much, it is out of control…no numbers work in accounting that any accounting professor would

Honor in state budgets…cities are on the verge of bankruptcies, and keep bonding, while many just continue on paths for political careers with no

Accountability…this has got to stop.

We have to live in Gods love and expression of love to help one another, not to make living a burden in NY, but a joy, not to make real estate a commodity,

But a NY that we can live in for generations with our families.  The answer to our familes problems is not moving South, or to Ct, or to Orange county, or some other

State or country..the answer lies within us to pull up our bootstraps, work together and make it a ministry of love in every community..affordable

Home ownership, not rentals in every community, and people that care. God bless you.


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



Thursday, February 20, 2014

FW: blog

“The Rise of Sprawl, Suburban and the Decline of the American Dream and Nation..by Duany and Speck..

Talk about how cars have spread, houses gotten bigger, communities have no sidewalks..no bikelanes..and now we see a Westchester In crisis…the ultimate suburbia..the ultimate place where kids don’t  know how to bike to school, walk to school much, and go to the corner store….Manhattan, owning a car is a detriment..here an evil necessity…sounds strange but true..

And combine that with the burden of obscene taxes, for careers, that are predicated on yelling each other that you are this party or that, leaves it the most exited county and state..NY NY…in safe streets versus dangerous streets.

The problem with currest street deisgn standards is no that the eingineers have forgotten how to make streest feel safe, but they don’t even try…Streets that once served vehicles and people equally are now designed for the sole purpose of moving vehicles through that as quickly as possible.  They have become in effect traffic sewers.  N surprise, than that they fail to sustain pedestrian life.

Take new Rochelle..a highway rips through our main st..leaving it unsafe to walk across Main st.

The walk signs aren’t even long enough for people to cross. Two way traffic study is in place.but this has been talked bout for 20 years since I have been here…The proliferation of the autombiles, the writer continues has led naturally that cars take prioriy over pedestrians.  “the Street wears us out. It is disgusting, writes Le Corbusier…


Consultants get paid thousands for what we have been saying for years..CHANGE IT..ITS TIME people get hurt, businesses fail and suffer due to lack of pedestrian traffic…unlike Mamoroneck ave where every store is filled in Mamoroneck…and people crawl thru with their cars, pedestrians are priority.

So much to be done..go green in 2014…


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



Tuesday, February 18, 2014

FW: blog

Thanks to NYACK and seminarians coming out yesterday to our #Sandy relief site..  they worked…if all the ministers who say they believe in the CARPENTER..helped lead their flock, there would be no poverty…if all those rabbis who believe in Tikkum elum…volunteered with their congregations, we would have it done..no poverty, a new Jerusalem..

Really the challenge is on congregations…FAITH IN ACTION.

This week I had a rabbi from israel email, seminarians yesterday help and the Westchester Muslim center call…all ready to work and get their congregations out with us…(when returns)…

That will be the answer NY needs not just a Friday sat sun one hour God community, but one led to adopt #Sandy families, to rebuild here in Westchester….Affordable home ownership is the Jerusalem story of our time..the Mitzvah challenge, the Christian paradox..

We all love God, now lets show it  in building..sponsor a room, a home, a once a month build….Nehemiah Builders, Christian Carpenters..Unite..email relief@habitatwc.org


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



Wednesday, February 12, 2014

FW: blog

From NOLA to New Rochelle…or as they Nawlins…..i love New Orleans, no question..

People there have a joie de vivre of life, great good, warmer weather…and jazz on Bourbon st, and needless to say our partners at Habitat

For Humanity of NOLA…Jim Pate and the gang.


We love New Rochelle too, lots of similarities, lots to do, music,jazz, art and much more..the key is to create long term NOLAs and New Rochellle….

We have to protect our sound shore, build stronger, smarter and develop in a positive way.

Tonite we have the dinner for the victims from the Pelham Road fire,……calling them the Pelham ave Posse..in  a minute our homes can be gone…we respond…to help those in need.

Join us tonite if you would like with the families from five to 6pm…at Coromandl restaurant..so you can adopt a family.

Let me know, email jim@habitatwc.org


Also shout out to Cotton Inc, our friends there, who are donating a truck load of blue jean insulation today in the Rockaways for us to help #Sandy families and our homes. . amazing…..wont you donate to us today..http://www.habitatwc.org…inkind donations,

Or monetary, we appreciate it to continue strong!



Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



Tuesday, February 11, 2014

FW: blog

The Earth is the Lords in all we do…today Tuesday..we visit the Long Term Recovery, committee,in the Rockaways.  We have worked throuoghout the Rockaways and breezy, seeing peolpes lives go from pain to joy. Did you know sheetrock brings joy..insulation, volunteers with empathy, flooring…who would think….after a Hurricane rebuilding homes is an honor for us to help no question..Now more than 900 proects later, we are still there.


  Also we are blessed to help build in Mt Vernon today. We help Natalia and her family refresh their home today. She was fortunate to have B Smith help her decoarate her home when she first moved in. Her kids were little back tehn, older now.  Seeing the children now go onto  college is amazing.


Tomorrow at 5pm our meal with the Pelham avenue fire victims continues. We  move ahead to help here.  We are also very excited that a television show wants to cover our veterans builds and moving ahead.  We are on the road for astrong next 25 years.

Let me say this..affordable home ownership is the number one issue of this state now..no question! In this County.  We cant get around it nor should we.   Lets go NY lets go!

Join us in the vital mission….follow us also on habitatwc on twitter and Instagram…we are honored to have you help!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



Monday, February 10, 2014

FW: blog

Thanks to Rev Biglin of Holy name of Jesus church. He has been an advocate for smart development, where people need to be

Able to have simple decent homes and seniors, while too much high end development causes challenges and burdens for the citizens of New Rochelle.  I was honored to speak there yesterday at his church, with three Relig groups represented.

These groups of youth, who are in high school, will make confirmation are our Relig Builders….they come out and build with us regularly….twice next week for Presidents day and next Friday…

With that in mind we are grateful for their support, their prayers, their building….

The Gospel was about the city of God…in the Torah, you often hear about the new Jerusalem….Nehemiah builders…

To rebuild this city in #New Rochelle again.


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



FW: blog

Christina Griffin….nice to meet you..i said..at a Passive Solar award winning design house…in White Plains….she was the architect who won the award……..She responds…”You know I designed the first habitat house here in Larchmont.”  No way I respond!  The journey continues…no

Meeting is for coincidence in life.  In 1988 the dedication of a beautiful small cape home where the mortgage is paid..she designed. She did not have the expertise in Green sustainable architect, but she is amazing in her work, in her expertise now as a Green Designer, sustainable, recognized all over the county.

She graced our headquarters today in our #SUSTAINABILE SERIES we have been having….talking about #LEED development standards, the importance of building science, Irish Passive house designer #Thomas OLeary, the #German #Haus technology and much more!

We also had representatives from Manhattan and our team, as well as Flannery Hardware and contractor Dave Flannery bring in his expertise into the discussion.   Where the theoretical becomes the practical, the architect and the builder join together like a conductor and musician.

We take it all for granted don’t we! Our living space….our design, our healthy or unhealthy environments..  do you have chemicals in your paints, carpet, walls,…are you losing energy, daily thousands of dollars from your home, rather than get it tested for free energy audits, and fix it….ENERGY is one of the number one issues of our time. HABITAT OF WESTCHESTER IS IN THE LEAD, in CALLING THIS THE



I have seen thousands of homes ruined by Hurricanes and floods…no not just in New Orleans but here, in #Mamoroneck,# Bronxville, Yonkers, Rockaways, Auverne, Long Beach, NJ Sandy areas and more

Intentionally we are one of the GREENEST AFFILIATES IN THE COUNTRY..Since 1996 we have built with SIP homes…tried to introduce Solar panels on our nationally designed television show with Bob Vila only to be stopped, continued and now have Solar on our headquarters and have used ICFS, SIPS, Concrete SIPs and much much more. Our world is fragile…lets make it GREENER!

So Thank you Christina for your service…stay tuned for #Earthweek and #sponsorships are available!

Join us!




Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



Tuesday, February 04, 2014

FW: blog

Yesterday was a day of days….many families from the fire on #470 Pelham Road were affected, came in…they had no home, no clothes, little help. We gave each family member a check..thanks to our friend Pat Lanza..we also gave clothes and items from our Restore, and also gave much guidance.  They system is broke, people think that when it says people are getting helped in the paper, it actually is happening..not always by any means.

My history with help goes deep into the fountainplace fires, 50 families displaced in new Rochelle, the Nodine Hill fire in Yonkers, where six died and 300 displaced, and also to the FEMA disaster of Mamoroneck, Hurricane Irene and Hurricane Sandy….extensive..

So I speak with some authority with my words.   We will create a disaster swat team for helping for assisting those in need in disaster,

With a gutting team of rehabbing homes, we can do this.

With immediate relief for those in need, we are there with our volunteers,

Its time..

We can do so much better in helping we must…

Stay tuned.. God bless you with your roof, with a safe day with health..from our homes and team of love to yours…                                             


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



Monday, February 03, 2014

FW: blog

What a weekend..not because of the Superbowl…but because of our volunteers….and because of our work in helping fire victims in New Rochelle.

Five fires in the last couple of weeks. This one displaced in New Rochelle75 people in 36 apartments at least at 470 Pelham road.  The housing stock is getting older, heat, fires,

Wires not meant for the loads we put on them..heating units, candles, and more has caused nightmares to firefighters, municipalities and residents alike. People have died in these fires as well.

A tragedy.

The real isse as of this time becomes what can we do.

First Habitat ..we were there first, giving food and coffee, …we helped moved residents and their supplies to another place to temporarily live. We also had given

A large number of clothing from our Restore to the fire fictims…on the door it says, Fire Victims come here, in English and Spanish.

As head of the council of the community services for housing this year, housing is the most important issue have as of this time, no question.  No affordable housing, and when it does exist,

It is old ..and fires and substand housing problems occur. 

It is time to create a mantra in every citizen that affordable home ownership is not a bad thing, but a necessary thing. It will be an economic engine for creation of jobs..and primarily if it is ownership..then land goes back on the tax roles.-

It was and Is an honor to help those who suffered, like the hurricane families, and in this case like fire victims. I had taken the lead in helping Fountainplace fire victims get a place to live, fifty familes when displaced in new Rochelle a number of years ago.

We need to do better, create less luxury and more affordable housing, its time….


For residents in need frmom #470PelhamRoad we are here for you…come by our headquarters today, use our computers and phones, we have cots,

We can give you support…as we have done so much before.  God bless you all tonite safe in a warm place to live..


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!