Thursday, February 20, 2014

FW: blog

“The Rise of Sprawl, Suburban and the Decline of the American Dream and Duany and Speck..

Talk about how cars have spread, houses gotten bigger, communities have no bikelanes..and now we see a Westchester In crisis…the ultimate suburbia..the ultimate place where kids don’t  know how to bike to school, walk to school much, and go to the corner store….Manhattan, owning a car is a an evil necessity…sounds strange but true..

And combine that with the burden of obscene taxes, for careers, that are predicated on yelling each other that you are this party or that, leaves it the most exited county and state..NY NY…in safe streets versus dangerous streets.

The problem with currest street deisgn standards is no that the eingineers have forgotten how to make streest feel safe, but they don’t even try…Streets that once served vehicles and people equally are now designed for the sole purpose of moving vehicles through that as quickly as possible.  They have become in effect traffic sewers.  N surprise, than that they fail to sustain pedestrian life.

Take new Rochelle..a highway rips through our main st..leaving it unsafe to walk across Main st.

The walk signs aren’t even long enough for people to cross. Two way traffic study is in place.but this has been talked bout for 20 years since I have been here…The proliferation of the autombiles, the writer continues has led naturally that cars take prioriy over pedestrians.  “the Street wears us out. It is disgusting, writes Le Corbusier…


Consultants get paid thousands for what we have been saying for years..CHANGE IT..ITS TIME people get hurt, businesses fail and suffer due to lack of pedestrian traffic…unlike Mamoroneck ave where every store is filled in Mamoroneck…and people crawl thru with their cars, pedestrians are priority.

So much to be done..go green in 2014…


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


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