Wednesday, June 26, 2019

FW: blog

+No More Shacks one of Millard Fullers early books..

Talks about the early beginnings..from speaking at at Metro Baptist church in NYC and St Barts to helping to build home on E 6th st.

I was on the board building on E 6th street, and honored to know a number of the families there. I had worked on the lower E Side with the homeless and mental health club model and

Was honored to get on the board of NYC.

I remember blocking off a block and having a big celebration of homes being built, a block party.

What a day.

We did that in Yonkers too, its time for us to be able to see us build homes again in New York and in ths country..

God wants no more shacks. God wants no more kids sleeping in basements.

We are excitingly moving a family into a home in August, moving them from a basement apartment into home ownership..


With that in mind, we continue…we move ahead our 3rd Fuller Cetner home, closed on in six months, interest free no down payment!

Stay tuned!


God has only just begun a great work in us for homes..and for you joining us.

Please donate to us..or contact me