Thursday, August 31, 2017

FW: blog

The pundits babble on radio..while people wade in water, suffering, no homes, no city, no placement…I cant always understand it, but can turn it off.

The relief effort is vital..we are accepting gift cards for Houstonians, that will assist.  Today is the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina…NOLA is getting hit by rain today as well….we pray for you NOLA and all our friends…there…

Yesterday on News12 we had coverage of our efforts to help. Houston, we are accepting gift cards now, and or donations..we will do our music festival Oct 8th for helping to raise money for there as well…email me or go to to make a donation…we have families on the ground, and organizations…

Also congrads to Mike Valesquez, who goes to Kuwait, but gets married today..he and his lovely bride an honor to be with him….he is one of our Soldier Sons..One Team one blessed that you will be married to such a great woman..we got your six!

With that in mind, the world is fragile, but with Gods help, with prayer and action, we get through it…

We challenge everyone to realize we are only a disaster away…be prepared,..and when people need us help them…God bless you!


Jim Killoran, CEO

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 636-8335 ext. 101


The excitement is building. Sign up for our email newsletter at


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

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Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!






Wednesday, August 30, 2017

FW: blog

The mission continues…on the phone yesterday w Huoston and some of our partners, groups are calling to see what we can do bring supplies, we will be there to help…thank you! we have so many who know we are real, we are supportive and will be there to help!

With that in mind, we are planning  a trip there and will get back shortly to you on exact date. The long term rebuilding like Sandy will take Gutting and mucking, supplies, money, labor, and more to help people get whole……for a long time to we rehabbed in NOLA, and Mamoroneck and Sandy, and Yonkers, we have rehabbed thousands of homes, flooded, and zombie homes, that now families returned too.

Lessons learned…for sure, look at prudent development…cutting corners, costs lives…more to follow on that


Just returned from an early morning visit in #Portchester looking at the Grove ST Initiative, I love Portchester, we love Portchester…I started there 25 plus years ago, and became on the board, then the vicepresident of the board and then the President of the board…and finally CEO..we built on Grove St in Portchester, and the Grove Street Initiatives are upon us.. we will build again there…and look forward to working with the great Village of Portchester, and all its citizens and members and leaders to help!


The county is made up of 47 towns and cities, all over..multiple police forces, schools, administrations..oh vey…but Portchester is a small locally run town, home of Ed Sullivan by the way..and it is on the move..


We love Portchester, if you want to get involved there, email me calme t 914 403 4821…the 30 anniversary moves ahead..



Jim Killoran, CEO

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 636-8335 ext. 101


The excitement is building. Sign up for our email newsletter at


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!


Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!






Monday, August 28, 2017

FW: blog

Houston, under water, very sad…the big one was coming, last year in March 2016 dire warnings were made from Ike that Houston was so vunerable..

Along with that our lessons as a country, need to be reviewed..overdevelopment, throwing the dice is so risky and we have risked much, our country, our lives

From Manhattan to Rockaways from Mamoroneck to Rockport and from Houston to Hurricane Katrina areas…we have not thought long range..

The young history of our country has produced greatness and challenges, life and overdelopment, wealth and extreame poverty…to that end we continue

Today we have en email and those wanting to help with our relief…please email..or donate

I am contract with boots on the ground and we will also help displaced Houstonians who end up here. We already have places we know that will be made available to help…

It is a time we need to pray, act, and help one another, our lives and America depends upon it.


Jim Killoran, CEO

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 636-8335 ext. 101


The excitement is building. Sign up for our email newsletter at


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!


Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!






Monday, August 21, 2017

FW: 30 years blog

The journey for 30 continues..our anniversary, we have done so much.

With that in mind, we move ahead, we help to build….into the future w friends from the past.

Groups such as Schimenti construction came out yesterday, givng back, helping to sheetrock homes with us..

Amazing! Their work in a day was like 3 months of labor for us from unskilled workers..thank you.

Today we work with Avi on his mitvah project..such an honor..i work with rabbis, priests, ministers and more all

Helping me to work on projects to make the world and communities better…from Homes to in this case our 911

Community garden we say Todah!

The theology of the hammer resounds and hammers ahead stronger than ever…I met with my hammerers yesterday, builders

Campers in Chappaqua yesterday..100 builders campers this past summer….amazing.

We are looking to do this all year round, stay tuned..

As well as starting DYI classes regularly..

And our Restore continues to shine on main question.

Shining for helping the thousands who have saved money, through low purchases,while raising sales tax, helping save landfill

And building a better future..

So join us the excitement is building!


Jim Killoran, CEO

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 636-8335 ext. 101


The excitement is building. Sign up for our email newsletter at


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!


Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!






Tuesday, August 08, 2017

FW: blog

We are blessed to have so many help us..last nite I met with Jim Veneruso and Dave Simkins two of my local leaders from Yonkers and from Mt Vernon. All over the county I have had volunteers and people help me Norma Guzman in Yonkers, john Gallagher in Ossining, in white plains kim otoole, as well as in Bedford Paul Alcorn, as well as

New rochelle mr lasser, and Larchmont Mamoroneck mary Bonner and Anne Avenius..the list goes on..just some of the members and leader who have helpedme

With that in mind, we prepare for


Jim Killoran, CEO

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 636-8335 ext. 101


The excitement is building. Sign up for our email newsletter at


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!


Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!






Wednesday, August 02, 2017

FW: blog

@400 volunteers this 50 more..tortoise capital, Con edison, Scarsdale Baptist church, and our builders camp.

Morgan Stanley, cisco, Bank of America, all volunteered this week and Amani Charter school. What a gift to be able to share and work with one on their life

Donating their time to help us change poverty, rehab neighborhoods, end what should never have happened, from phoenixs out of the ashes.

We also helped to work on moquette row in yonkers, yet another new neighborhood for habitat of westhcester..on our 30 neighborhood transformation efforts for our 30 years..amazing. the neighborhors are so grateful! Our friends and families,  our volunteers, ..its time we end poverty.are you ready to inspire me and others while being inspired and getting habititis/ God bless you

So we continue! blessed


Jim Killoran, CEO

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 636-8335 ext. 101


The excitement is building. Sign up for our email newsletter at


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!


Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!