Monday, February 10, 2014

FW: blog

Christina Griffin….nice to meet you..i a Passive Solar award winning design house…in White Plains….she was the architect who won the award……..She responds…”You know I designed the first habitat house here in Larchmont.”  No way I respond!  The journey continues…no

Meeting is for coincidence in life.  In 1988 the dedication of a beautiful small cape home where the mortgage is paid..she designed. She did not have the expertise in Green sustainable architect, but she is amazing in her work, in her expertise now as a Green Designer, sustainable, recognized all over the county.

She graced our headquarters today in our #SUSTAINABILE SERIES we have been having….talking about #LEED development standards, the importance of building science, Irish Passive house designer #Thomas OLeary, the #German #Haus technology and much more!

We also had representatives from Manhattan and our team, as well as Flannery Hardware and contractor Dave Flannery bring in his expertise into the discussion.   Where the theoretical becomes the practical, the architect and the builder join together like a conductor and musician.

We take it all for granted don’t we! Our living space….our design, our healthy or unhealthy environments..  do you have chemicals in your paints, carpet, walls,…are you losing energy, daily thousands of dollars from your home, rather than get it tested for free energy audits, and fix it….ENERGY is one of the number one issues of our time. HABITAT OF WESTCHESTER IS IN THE LEAD, in CALLING THIS THE



I have seen thousands of homes ruined by Hurricanes and floods…no not just in New Orleans but here, in #Mamoroneck,# Bronxville, Yonkers, Rockaways, Auverne, Long Beach, NJ Sandy areas and more

Intentionally we are one of the GREENEST AFFILIATES IN THE COUNTRY..Since 1996 we have built with SIP homes…tried to introduce Solar panels on our nationally designed television show with Bob Vila only to be stopped, continued and now have Solar on our headquarters and have used ICFS, SIPS, Concrete SIPs and much much more. Our world is fragile…lets make it GREENER!

So Thank you Christina for your service…stay tuned for #Earthweek and #sponsorships are available!

Join us!




Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



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