Monday, August 27, 2007

FW: blog

yesterday another blessed day.. Very proud to be part of Habitat for Humanity of Westchester, of Habitat for Humanity International and all my co habitats across the world..

another busy day, Fordham Law School on the site, we also had groups like Bedford Presbyterian Church on our Bedford homes, and also volunteers from Harvey school and also the schools of Fox Lane, a great groiup...Simulatanously I was able to get a call from the Mayor of Mamoroneck, Phil Trifiletti, and Phil stated..that the dredging was going on with excitement rightly this point, huge machines were in Columbus Park, dredging doing great..exciting times to see this...we are all pushing for a meeting to be held to see all of the problems fixed, many have been invited and commiteed monies, but very few representatives have shown up at all to actually fix the problem of any kind, it has to be done more homes can be flooded..I also asked that the dredge land we took out, and again Habitat was the first with all of our volunteers to go in the river three times to take out debris and dirt, be removed after we had taken it out of the has not been removed from the side of the river, need to see it completed...

Last an interesting call brought me to New City to a play being put on by a group of professionals, guided by Brian and Melissa Zell i believe, great directors of many plays and shows, and down to earth people.. they open their home every year to actors from NYC and they help to put on  a play for the neighborhood...holding their new born baby in hand, they welcomed me with open arms..and had me speak to the guests about 300 about habitat... a great opportunity...significant dollars were raised and on one of the hottest days of the year, we were able to be part of a great event...Habitat's stage is the world, our actors are real and our volunteers the production company with so many making it all happen, our donors, our supporters our people who do the lightng....light me up with God s inpsiration to keep going and help everyone have a simple decent question...EVERYONE A HOME is the theme..for our 20th anniversary, can we make this happen...absolutely...God Bless you...thank you to all who made it another great sat. from darlene to gloria, to hopeful homeowners to grace and more....the Excitement is building..jjk

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