Thursday, December 13, 2007

FW: blog


a holiday party of a builder a great fratello, Louie, and many great people..all diverse all different backgrounds..  Claude 80 years young, states, you have a real Esprit de corp..with Nick a great man successful in concrete buildings building nyc..what a world, this guys have helped to create, 11 children 6 the other..and stories of rebuilding the city...i told him of our concrete homes...with carbon fiber, and with strenght to build homes with, surprised was he, he stated lets do this..lets make this happen, let me see these go up...we take so much for granted every home, every condo,every coop, every street, we live in we ride in we walk on..who built them, who helped to survive building them, who labored over them...the psalm says I shall bless the Lord at all times, His praise ever in my mouth..may we Praise Him for great people of all ages, great fratellos, friends, amicos, amicas, amigos, amigas and more.

Aujourdhui j'ai parle avec un personne avec les meres des etuidents decole dans Larchmont..Francais..

They raised five thousand dollars for our work with flood victims, merci beaucoup...merci mon Dieu pour tu...

a domain, Jacquess. jjk

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