Thursday, February 07, 2008

FW: blog


today we are happy to celebrate our work in the County..

what a great day.. we are so happy for all our work, blessed for all our helpers..

happy to see so many helping us in so many ways..from our Restores to our work across the board, we are blessed to have so many homes being built and helped many requests..what an honor it is for us to give of our selves and help others...and to have so many partners who join us from companies to i dedicate this special note to Sally McGuire who passed away, a long time champion for our work at St. Augustines church in Larchmont, she was so helpful in everything we have question...championing with Anne Avenius our work to be able to have an annual walk in larchmont, to get the parish involved, and to help us be successful in so much of what we do.. thank you Sally, may you be in heaven today..

yesterday i spoke to Thornton Donovon students..about how they can get involved, how they can change the world and join us ..thank you TD..tonite we have our high school advisory board meeting..only the beginning..

remember as you read this no matter what faith you are say a prayer for all of us, for those in the tornadoes and those who have no homes..with gratittude..jjk

1 comment:

danni said...

Jim - I find it interesting that you mentioned that you went to speak to students at Thornton Donovan and yet I and other members of my church have been trying to connect with you for several months followed by numerous phone messages to get our youth involved with Habitat. I must say that I am bewildered by your lack of response to us.