Monday, March 03, 2008

FW: blog


It is an exciting time here in New Rochelle, feels like spring has sprung, and many are excited to take the trolley, both for historic sake and for the sake of saving the earth and environment, combined with that we will encourage people to get out of their cars, walk more, transport more, and be part of a revolution to slow traffic, be healthier and get eco friendly cities with affordable condos downtown, real affordable..

the average taxpayer and senior has been edged out of the downtown these days...priced out, moved out...tony the little Italian taylor stated, JImmy the landlord kicked me out, took off my sign, so i couldn't let people know where my new business was....he also feels his property taxes are going up immensely..

what a world..long term stake holder here in New Rochelle....wealthy individuals who only work in downtown and dont come here.. (not all wealhy , but some..) see Trump Capelli buildings and say that's progress...there business and home wasn't threatened, they make cazillions in manhattan, go to the north end, and say wow...but in the meantime many are suffering...along with that the economics of people continuing to get huge tax breaks on the backs of people that grew up and lived in towns their whole life and had a SMALL business here, get pushed out...then the lower income also never dream of owning a home...

what have we created here...can it be changed...for sure, will it be.. for sure.. join the GREEN TEAM...ONE THAT SAYS LETS STOP THE MADNESS, make real affordable condos for vets, police, seniors, bank tellers, Hartley families..small business owners, lets celebrate not only the big guys who get their signs off of rt 95, but percentage wise contribute less to our world than the person who put their heart and soul into a small business and home here in NEW RO and throughout the lets celebrate SO NO NEW RO..south of North Avnue New Rochelle where small business owners, immigrants from Italian to Irish to Spanish, African American and more, live and try to survive and do and will thrive...God bless, jjk.

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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