Monday, October 26, 2009

FW: blog

Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he aslo shall cryhimself, but shall not be heard..roverbs 21:13


Helping others is the essence of life, again thank you for Harvey School, Byram HIlls High School, IBM,

AValon on the sound, Iona Prep, Iona College and more, thanks to all who helped this weekend, make it happen for us to be able to make it work in Mamoroneck, on an EMTS familys home, on Willow Place in our neighborhood, and more..God blesses us so much.


This week we prepare for our Thanksgiving blitz, for our work, for Homes for the Holidays week and much much more...may God blessyou all...thanks also to Holy Trinity Greek Othodox Church and their allowing me to share during services, and to sign up many who now want to be part of habitat...they havenow called me Demitrius.. God bless you all..

remember, we are all called to  hear the cry of the Poor...pray for one another, thank you God for the readers of this blog...jim


James Killoran
Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
Office: 914-636-8335 x 101
Fax: 914-636-8592

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