Friday, September 03, 2010

FW: blog

Today I meet with a group who wants to help Haiti recover..a doctor and friends…who want to go with their church to build..God bless them…Last nite, Dr Garvey calls,..Jim I have another check for Haiti..he has played with his group to help support our cause of rebuilding, of helping of making homes for families….Doc you are the best…


Yesterday I asked someone to pray over the neighborhoods we will build in…you will never change them …the person retorts…we at Habitat believe God will help us change these neighborhoods, with our love, our hands, our action, our diligent development…no question…seems challenging doesn’t it..but we can do it.. we can make it happen, and we will..

As I remember this Labor Day all the volunteers who helped change neighborhoods, who helped change lives, who helped change their own lives..from rubble to homes, from garbage to green gardens, from despair to hope..i say  THANK YOU! PRAY WITH US THIS LABOR DAY, and then commit to change more lives following in this VITAL EXCITING MINISTRY, THAT WELCOMES ALL FAITHS, AND NO FAITH..TO HELP BUILD SIMPLE DECENT HOMES….


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101




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