Tuesday, November 30, 2010

FW: blog

Often many state I should write a book…my blog to a certain extent adds pages of pages…How do we change our neighborhoods and substandard living to Green rich living in our Urban areas.  How do include affordable homes in towns that systematically have denied people of color and race, ethnicity, usually guided by the portals of realtors doors…and out the door..to places of inclusion….

Many stories come to mind, including changing parks back to active places of engagement and health and green space, from concrete jungles and barren  activity less areas…to empty burned out homes that can be made whole again with Habitat.

This is our daily challenge…as well as entering IVY league towns, if you will ones, where the kids are going for the gold of Goldman Sachs and IBM..while other urban kids have no after school programs in the next municipality  This is our challenge of Habitat of Westchester..the book is starting, going to print, stay tuned… God bless you all..pray for those who have no heat tonite, unsafe neighborhoods, burned out homes next to theres..and no HOPE, but there is HOPE WITH YOUR HELP..


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY


Office: 914-636-8335x101




Join us for our Nov 7th Walk for Homes Now! And purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our Feb Event.


Join in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




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