Tuesday, October 18, 2011

FW: blog

The cold chill in the air..I meet with a developer..i watched you build with ICFs he states..i loved it..we designed 31 units with it..Awesome! from there, we started a dialogue.

He wants to sell the land or co develop it.> I envision Vets in the homes.ready to be able to help stabilize a neighborhood.. a neighborhood with green jobs and green construction training…Battle Hill I call it..wont you help..wont you support us, wont you help us develop Battle Hill. This very exciting endeavor is one where we will be building homes for Vets and with Vets…stay tuned!


We have done so many interesting things in my life here, I cant believe we have done them some time!

Helped with two Fema Disasters

Built in New Orleans

Built in Haiti

Helped build a home in one week on National Television with BobVila

Helped to take down a house built on Regis and Kelly and recycled it, taking it from Manhattan and bringing it out here. Reselling it and using it.

Helped to build a near zero energy home

Put solar panels on homes and our headquarters.

Helped introduce blue jean insulation

Helped with a rehab program bar none, for Seniors and Vets.

Helped to start an annual Martin Luther King Gospelfest..BUILDATHON!

Helped to pray daily for you, with all faiths and no faiths!

What else…we have only just begun! We are worthy of your support! We need it, We love you  and are grateful for you!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY


Office: 914-636-8335x101




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