Tuesday, November 29, 2011

FW: blog

Amazing time in history. Things that are happening will have long lasting effects on so many…lawsuits, For us at Habitat, we want o think beautiful…yeah that’s right. We want to make anew neighborhoods that need to be beautiful..need to be looked at in ways that are positive to help families to have great lives…to have gardens, and grass..to have playgrounds and people who care..to have neighobrhoods that are whole..is that too much to ask..we think not.  We need to thank those who help us all year long..from Diversified Advisors, to IBM, to MobilePlus and Modern Hardware, from Silverstien properties to Goldman Sachs, from Bronxville reformed Church to St Vitos and more and more…there are so many to thank!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY


Office: 914-636-8335x101




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