Wednesday, October 03, 2012

FW: blog

Its been awhile since I've written, early think and pray about our work.. A ride and walk in Nodine of many over the years, saw me and us prepare for 

A Neighborhood Transformation Day.. A day of change, of day of volunteerism, a day of Harvey students, a day of love.

Nodine Hill, kind of like the lower east side of NY..the world travels thru. The density however of homes together is unprecedented. It reminds me of where I grew up in a three decker in Worcester, Irish immigrants.,

On the third floor, my mom carrying the coal up the stairs…last nite a grand mom and her hispanic granddaughter, the new face of immigrants, went through a trash container taking out recyclables.  A simple can or bottle we take for granted..for them, its the young girls collection of lunch money…..

We go to clean up, to Brush with Kindness to make a youth center in a basement, to paint, to bring hope, with mums, and many into the Hill.

This is part of our Aggressive Neighborhood Transformation program….working to hit neighborhoods hard, to take them back, to work with residents.

Manny a local resident of thirty years, and I reminisced on Oak Street.  Remember the fire, I said, I was right here, in December 2022..when fourteen buildings burned..and six died..

I live right next door Manny reminds me…it was crazy. He will help us with our transformation today…Harvey students will, we thank you…volunteers will, will you help us..

The fire was after the death of our families three year old, Amy, shot with a high powered rifle, with her dad on a bed watching a winnie the pooh tape. The bullet pierced the side of their home.

Devestation for all……the families two older boys have graduated college, the family had another baby and moved into our habitat holy neighborhood down the hill…one of the tree streets..

We work together to take it back………

Pray, support, help…its time!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!


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