Wednesday, June 05, 2013

FW: blog

As we get ready for our kickoff for 25 years, and our American Dream Luncheon….this Thursday.. I think back over so many things..from walking into our first rehab on Willow where rubble and a dead pit bull were, and now we see five families live side by side…..

To working in Yorktown on a home, my first in the county as a volunteer, running up to volunteer to put waterproofing on the deck, for plywood there…to helping in the floods of mamoroneck and much much more.


Yesterday I have so many gifts daily come my way. A man from France walks in…I want to get our school involved..we continue in French and English…he has started a school in business but with a humanitarian component…all students work in service.  We got to talking about his career, Haiti and he worked with Paul Farmer, and Habitats across the country. He is on our team now.


A great not from Larry Chaflin, the CEO of Samuelson furniture comes in…Thank you for a great day Saturday, is the theme….”it was an honor to be associated with this and a true joy to be able to help others in time of need.  You and your team are responsible for a tremendous helping hand in this community.”


So many realize the essence of success is giving back, helping, being in it a business school or a CEO..or a church or synagogue. We have only just begun….stay tuned for an exciting amazing next 25 years. God bless you..


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


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