Monday, April 21, 2014

FW: blog

Easter Sunday….today I feel like  I saw St Francis, Rabbi Heschel, Mother Teresa, Millard Fuller, Martin Luther King, RFK, all working on a site together at our Habitat home…

Visions of He is Risen, Visions of communities rising, of this country rising and the world.  What a blessed world we live in.

I am honored to have met Mother Teresa and Millard Fuller, two who took to heart the gospel message in their own way…one a Bandaid approach to keep people alive, the other to end poverty to help people have wealth.   Both utilizing the Torah and Gospel to help put Faith into Action.   Prayer being the Key in Mothers life, a Holy Hour, then acting to reach out to those we often try to stay away from, homeless, mentally ill, smelly people on the street….those who are outcasts,…those others denied, saw Millard, who prayed often , take to heart that all should live in a simple decent home!

I am so blessed then to meet many like you, like Mary Bonner, like Pat Lanza, like Rich and Ron, on sites, and others, who prayed, who witnessed who loved and love, in giving

May you Rise this day in prayer and love..each person in front of you, is a gift….you are too. 


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


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