Monday, November 10, 2014

FW: blog

A rainy day, but God works..and so don’t our volunteers…these are the days when I see the #retirees helping that amazing things  happen…our HOPES retirees…The biggest exchange of retirees in history is happening…and they love to #volunteer with us..what an honor and a blessing…

Their wisdom, their hands, their sweat equity, like Rich and Lee and Big Tom and Mary and Ron, and Donald, Sue, and Norma..and all the gang..their contribution is invaluable…no question.

With that in mind we continue we celebrate, we honor them, we bless them, we t hank them.

They worked in the rain today..on two #Vets families…homes today..two marines who served in harms ways…

What an honor to see them work so hard for #Veterans families…what an honor it is to write about them.

Please contribute to our cause, more homes await our rehabbing them..for the sake of lives, neighborhoods and the American way!--


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