Friday, December 09, 2016


The key to all we do is to have living conditions that people can live decently here and across the world. I am honored that we have helped sponsor homes all over the world…@200 homes…however I am dismayed that in NY the ability to live and home has become harder and harder in all we do..

Land costs rise,

Real estate rises

Fires burn,, people live in substandard housing in one of the wealthiest counties in the world. However we have the 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 largest cities in the state…

Yet people think because people say Westchester that people don’t need is the exact opposite.

Right now still trying to help fire victims as well..the mission continues, stronger than ever.

God bless you, please help us with your support. jjk


Jim Killoran, CEO

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 636-8335 ext. 101


Join our Homes for the Holidays Campaign! Your donation helps move our families in for the Holidays! Visit


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

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Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!






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