Monday, July 31, 2017

FW: blog

Today the speed of projects In Newrochelle, specifically

SoNo NewRochelle, are being pushed through at a rate unhealthy for the thousands who live might be healthy for the pension of poiliticians and their pockets, but

The Journal News doesnot want to touch anyofthe real issues, as someone stated on the qt, from lohud, this is an important market, we wont rock the boat..Ihave been on Main street for more than 25 years.  The changes, with no painting of g arbage cans, promises of walkingpolice which hasn’t happened ( I even donated a bike to the Pact unit in hopes of getting an allocated police person for the downtown) and pedestrians continuingto be fearful to walk, and or bike downtown or in the city, has the smoke and mirror machine doing double time….as a matter of fact more pr positions have been hired, while the bike share program three years later is non existent, two way traffic is non existent,..the new contractors in sono new ro almost get hit by cars…and a city councilor comes to me and says, jim they took your idea, we will move into a downtown office in a new building…..instead of filling the many rental spaces….

Add the icing on the cake the non existence of term limits and you have a brew for a dangerous state of non voter and citizen participation. They have even limited citizens to be heard in public meetings….Plus a community benefits lackee has been hired to pretend putting a space ship in a small green space, now touted by ivar as a passive park outside a library and buildings where thousands of kids are…so the art purchased by California from Sony for 80,000 plus and a company getting landscaping tax dollars for more….well…you know the deal….

A new paradigm shift is in order..stay tuned for my writings in my next blogs on which way is needed



Jim Killoran, CEO

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

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