Thursday, September 06, 2007

FW: blog

Local project committees serve an important purpose for us, from Mamoroneck to Larchmont, from Yonkers to Bedford, they help us across the county receive local support in our work with local residents helping to raise funds, awareness, pick the families, find the land,help with Brush with Kindness,engage the schools, and move ahead for the future in ways that are powerful for all of our work...I believe our continuing strengthening  of our teams, increasing lpcs, helping to create more habitat leaders and homes ,will assist us in getting into more and more towns all the time...


They can be strong advocacy groups made up of all ages, to assist us in getting our work done and helping to raise awareness of the crisis of affordable homes all income ownership in our county....


Have we made a society that home ownership is only for a few, have we made it that education can only be for a few, we think not.....we also believe that if people work hard, they have the opportunity to have wealth and education for their children..often the home being  a vehicle for credit, collateral and college education through equity....I believe we still can help create a society that all different types of ownership can be created from the single mom to the policemans family, to the middle manager to the retiree and even beyond...Dream out of the box as we design sustainable models for the future.. start a Local project committee today. Join us...God bless you,

Jim Killoran


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