Wednesday, September 26, 2007

FW: habitat blog


Hi to all, another interesting day in the vineyard, to our friends,we say happy new year, and to others, a great autumn season...exciting things are happening and needless to say our meeting with some parents of pearls ended in disagreement but with others, they are excited we who have been working in the neighborhood for three years despite the pearls leader accusation we do not care, .. this is our neighborhood Mr. L...we have been working there long before you, and have helped many children and people in that neighborhood long before you...and will work with you if you will help to match the monies we have offered 5000 initial green money to help create a great football soccer field and basketball court at the school...

join us ...forget about the politics and agendas people have put at you, but be real..   We painted your children's playground that had been unpainted and ridden with glass for three years, painted the basketball court, and did it with Yonkers honor of a brother of ours who protected your home, who volunteered with us for habitat for ten years in yonkers, i have done in neighborhoods. I kicked out drug dealers out of your child;s playground, waiting risking my life, as i care about the whole neighborhood, we have been there, join us, get your hands dirty, help raise money with us for the greenest neighborhood going..  WE will put solar panels on the homes, keep drug dealers out like we do in other neighborhoods, help your kids and ours have a safe place to play and have a great green neighborhood..

This weekend the PTA president asked me to paint the front doors of Pearls...and we will at the principals request fix the public playground across the street in front of pearls..this is what we do.. we will also help continue the peephole project for seniors that Sandy Annabi has asked us to do.. we will also work on the Nepperhan communty center that city councillor Pat McDow asked me to help with with Jim Bostic...with ten years of sweat equity, from helping in Whitney Young, to helping in Purser place to helping in 8 parks painting them, from Faye Park to Ceerreto Park to Stefanick Park to Park Avenue Parks, to mulford gardens to Lawrence Street to every part of yonkers, we have put our sweat equity there...i havent seen any of those pointing fingers get their hands dirty at all once, in any neighborhoods.. just attacks..not my style, we just do it....and help peoples lives improve...God blessyou...

We also have scholarships for Lincoln Roosevelt, Yonkers high and Saunders kids in place...

Along with that we have the work going strong all thru the county... we are so blessed to have all of you helping us.. today we continue our vital flood work on Mamoroneck homes, a seniors home in Rye, two homes in New Rochelle and our second affordable home in Bedford...we keep on going, come and join us...


These are exciting times...listen today on Wed to my radio show at 9am....for more exciting info and interviews...and also hi to Tess from Senator Schumers office, who worked and volunteered with us this summer, she  is in Washington dc. and will be on the show.. about housing programs in the country...




Hestia said...

I am now about to be losing my patience with you.

How can you be saying you have the support of neighbors when we heard TWO Purser Park Homeowners tell the City Council last night, that building more houses on their street would increase crime and traffic and noise, and not increase their qulaity of living nor their property value like a full sized park would.

How dare you say you'll offer 5K if you are at the same time racking up costs at the buidling site that the parents are offering to compensate for!?

You are being offered a very fair exchange and compensation. Stop making insignificant gestures like painting for the school.

You keep repeating your arguments for NOT creating the park, so I will repeat mine, in reaction comment to your blog last week:

Our children don't need paint - they need a proper playground.
1500 children, each year, for generations to come, would benefit from a proper playfield.

Why, why, why is HabHum of Westchester not considering the offer for a LARGER, piece of land, elsewhere?

Habitat for Humanity is a great cause, but your policy regarding Purser Park is WRONG. Depicting the plight of the parents as a personal attack on you, sir, is WRONG.

I am a parent of a pre-K student and I have donated both time and money to Habitat in the past, but will -unfortunately- not do so this year ... unless you change your pushing of this development.

I pray that you will show some true humanity and do not further disenfranchise your donors, your neighbors and the 1500 innocent kids that need a place to play inbetween classes.

It is not too late to change things for the better.

Hestia said...

Nobody is challenging that you are trying to do the right thing elsewhere.. You just need to do the RIGHT thing at Purser Place, too.

Come to the negotiation table before this matter escalates.