Wednesday, October 17, 2007

FW: blog


so today has been an interesting i write from our new rochelle habitat office,  where yesterday there was a melee on Main street. and i write about my friends the police..who i am a strong advocate about being on walking beats on main streets...across the county.I come from a long line of police (theres something unusual right..Irish American cops) who walked the beat in many Massachusetts neighborhoods and Main Streets....I also want to know that many police in our communities cannot afford to live easily in Westchester in communities where they protect us... Combined with this we work on downtowns being revitalized and all downtowns..putting people on main streets in housing situations, from condos to avalon rentals to decrease traffic, to increase business opportunities for small business and to enhance our world..

so heres to walking police on main streets our friends, as part of enhancing downtown communities.. During the years i have been part of Main Street Historic Preservation trust committees, held business breakfasts regularly, helped with revitalization committees, been chairs of sidewalk sales and events...

a revitalized Main street is one protected with walking police, home ownership for long term stake holders and tax payers dollars in condos and coops, affordable primarily and luxury and activity for the residents on Main and for others throughout the city to attend...heres to downtowns with real affordable opportunities, with safe Main streets and with revitalized communities across all of westchester not just new rochelle...

We also need City Hall on Main streets and police precincts to help bring back people to the heart of every community.....more to follow...

along with that safe communities are ones that engage its youth in after school activities, have home ownership in neighborhoods, who in effect as taxpayers and lifelong stakeholders, protect the neighborhood and fight for their rights..That is why people when they know habitat comes into a neighborhood will create safety, increased positive activity and help to stabilize turnover neighborhoods in downtowns and in homeowner neighborhoods.....i love community, i love habitat, i love our homeowners and i love that we will be part of your neighborhood someday....helping to make it safe...stay tuned for Habitat's Main Street condo proposal (affordable) in the future...I need like the Psalmist to give thanks to God today for protecting myself and my co Main street businessowners and customers and residents in New Rochelle for not letting us get hurt, and pray for the two who got stabbed on Main Street in New Rochelle and our youth...God bless, jjk


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You say "safe communities are ones that engage its youth in after school activities," and we, could not agree more.

Let's use the unique opportunity to create a full size athletic field on Purser Place, together.
It is not too late for you to reach out.