Friday, October 26, 2007

FW: blog


here we are ...the 20th anniversary is almost upon us here in Habitat...

an article in the Larchomnt Gazette...about our work..and Walk for editorial in our favor about not hurting habitat in interview this weekend in the ny times...

we are often in the newspapers...I work hard, and Habitat does to educate about the affordable housing needs, the crisis and the win win affordable homes create for people in this of the top three taxed counties in this country...yet we create taxpayers, help stabilize communities and help so many in a variety of ways....


I reflect this morning early as it is, about our Bob Vila house which went up 9 years ago this week on Porach street..we were putting gravel in the foundations..and then a week later, the work started, a blitz build...where volunteers from all over the country and here started a home that was televised nationally every morning, what an amazing fete...God truly blessed it, long before Extreme Makeover, we were here...

now today we put gravel in four new homes Concrete with thanks to ALTUS..and the precaste concrete industry and Olde Castle...for helping us so much...four new cutting edge homes will be put up in Yonkers...

carbon fiber in the walls...and new homes in two days...amazing...with solar panels on top of them. With the fires in California, I know homes like this would be still standing today..lets hope the technology spreads like good wildfire across the country, concrete homes..the first made by Thomas Edison, and most of the worlds homes are not made of wood, but stronger material....heres to Yonkers, Altus and our work on these vitally important homes...


Along with that a year ago this time, we decoarated Mr Ponds home, that had burned down, a woodhome, that many New Rochellians and firefighters union members and contractors and other helped to rehab so that decoations for Halloween could be put up and his home for the holidays would be ready for Thanksgiving...we give thanks to God for allowing us to be part of this...


Last nite I went to the Police Foundation dinner, in New that had many police who can not respond to a second shift crisis here in the city, in time, as many cant live near New Rochelle now....

We are embarking on building Homes for police..a proposal for a coop  or condo building for these great

men and women who protect us as they come on the force...more to follow..


In all we say and do we give thanks..pray for the Jimmy Carter work camp in Los Angeles..the last time I was there with my good friend John Verni and Millard and we blitzed 21 homes in S. Central LA...

pray for the fire victims..pray for our work here home and abroad..with gratitude for you..jjk

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