Wednesday, November 07, 2007

FW: blog


Election nite ...2007..

tonite i will be on larchmont lmctv. and wvox..with commentary..

last nite as i spoke on Sam's radio show, head of the NAACP, we spoke about too much smoke and mirrors and no real significant thing being accomplished in terms of homes for Americans in one of the wealthiest counties in the world...  Communities hope for the best..they work hard, they seek to have the American Dream...politicans talk about building it, for ten years with developers help..but nothing is done...

on  a large scale....versus nyc we look like puppies in terms of neogitating...

It is time for us to be passionate again for the sake of the American Dream and dreams across this country and world...God wants this for us for all faiths and religions no question...and we can make this happen..we can help to see that people have homes, that their are opportunities question.

we need your help in this vital we embark on such success, we step in Faith, in hope and in action..Let this be an historic election day...and may be make things happen that will help us for the future of our grandkids for this country and for the world.. be blessed as Sharon from New Orleans says to me..get out and vote and may tomorrow be a great new start for us all.


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