Tuesday, November 13, 2007

FW: blog


headlines today tell of the Pope coming to America, to Yonkers NY `on days that we will see the election in full swing, days when we will be in full swing with hammers as well...and another story talks about the Georgia Governor holding a day of prayer for rain in the South.. a day when there is a need for drastic measures due to lack of rain...for those of us who have faith of any kind...we celebrate efforts such as these..efforts for more hilited spiritual recognition of the one God we all believe in...if there was another 911 we would be quick to call prayer services everywhere....yet the Governor of Georgia is chastised..though they are in desperate situations..situations of rain drought that could happen here in a minute.. we wake up on a gray rainy day, but with gladness if we think of it..people would be standing on their tables praising God, Jewish Christian Muslim and no faith, if they had the slight rain we had today here in New York...

do we get ready to pray everyday, for thanksgiving, during crisis, during normal times..are we chastised in our own circles...know that Habitat workers on the whole know there is a higher power that this ministry that welcomes all, is successful because of prayer, and only because of the theology of the Hammer and hearts hands hanmers and help from you..


Tomorrow is an excitiing day, our HOPES seniors group comes together to discuss getting more retirees involved..yesterday I discussed with Mattergy solar energy company about solar panels to go on our homes and on our Restore, and fiinally the panel foundations from Altus and Olde Castle come down to start four new homes for the holidays...What a blessed event.. for this and for you we are thankful...

Two things i ask you to pray for, for Veterans Homes to be built by Habitat for those returning from war, and for our Holiday  Homes...one more thing, for our friends in Atlanta, and in Argentina and for Habitats all over the world, for homes and healthy environment...know you are in my prayers this day.. with gratitude, jjk

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